
Raistlin & Shinji |

Aun & Naoki |

Echow & Sora |

Marko & Domingo |

Amy & Xajin |
ARCC SG Winner
• $800
• Canon X1 EOS-M
• 2 Tickets round trip to Japan from Singapore by ANA
• Trophies & Certificates
ARCC 2012 1st Runner Up
• $500
• Trophies & Certificates
ARCC 2012 2nd Runner Up
• $300
• Trophies & Certificates
Rules for ARCC 2012
- Restricted to Japanese intellectual property including, but not limited to: anime/ manga, game, novels & live-action.
- Characters in the team must be from the same intellectual property.
- Participants are to provide the title of the intellectual property, plus the name and picture of the character they are cosplaying.
- Original, generic and self-modified characters from media of Japanese origin are not eligible.
- Each participation entry must have a team/performance name.
- Each team is represented by a team of 2 cosplayers.
- Competition is open to those residing in Singapore only.
- Mandatory: Video for background and Audio.
- Performance duration is 3 minutes (maximum).
- Participants under the age of 17 will require consent from a parent or guardian to enter the competition.
- Each team is allowed to have 1 helper backstage.
- AFA reserves the right to use images, video clips of participant's cosplay and performances prior and after the tournament.
II : SCORING SYSTEM (Judging details and prerequisites)
Pre-selection criteria
- Costume accuracy – 45%
Reference pictures provided by the finalists will be compared with the cosplay photos back stage before the performances.
- Costume workmanship – 35%
The quality of the costume will be reviewed based on the cosplay photos.
- For commissioned costume(s), the participating group will have to bear a 5% score-handicap.
- For purchased costume(s), the participating group will have to bear a 10% score-handicap.
- Choice of character – 20%
Awarded based on suitability of character for the participant.
ARCC Criteria
- Costume accuracy – 25%
Reference pictures provided by the finalists will be compared with the cosplay photos back stage before the performances.
- In character – 15%
Character write-up and other media provided by the finalists will be compared with the finalist's character acting
- Performance – 40%
The finalist will be judged on the stage directions, movement, and entertainment value of the performance piece. Entertainment value will take up 30% of the performance score. Technical directions will take up 10% of performance score.
- Costume workmanship – 20%
The quality of the costume will be reviewed backstage before the performance.
- For commissioned costume(s), the participating group will have to bear a 5% score-handicap
- For purchased costume(s), the participating group will have to bear a 10% score-handicap.
Contestant's Responsibility
- All information furnished by the contestant to the organiser should be truthful to the best of knowledge of the contestant.
- Contestant is responsible for condition of his/ her costume at all times.
- Contestant should voice any difficulties to the AFA Cosplay Committee prior to the competition.
- Contestant backing out of the competition has to give official notice to the organiser at least 2 weeks prior to the competition.
- Contestant is responsible for the condition of any music or video to be played during his/her performance.
- Contestant should remain contactable during any reasonable time before the competition. In the case whereby contestant is unable to be contacted for a period of time, this period of time has to be made known to the ARCC Committee.
Suspension |
Score Penalty |
Sabotage of other contestants' performance or any property or matters that will directly affect the performance |
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Using of vulgarity on audience, judges, organizing committee, other contestants |
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Backing out of competition less than 1 month prior to tournament with no valid reason(s) |
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Provision of false registration information to organizer |
Subjected to review |
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Exceed deadline submission/completion of entry, materials or costumes |
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Intentional violation of competition riles, cheating, dishonesty |
Subjected to review |
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- All participants are required to bear the cost of any overweight luggage charges when shipping costumes and other items
- All finalists' flight and accommodation will be sponsored by the AFA Cosplay Committee, where applicable
- All details are subjected to change, at the AFA Cosplay Committee's discretion