AFA Regional Cosplay Championship
Indonesia Preliminary 2012
Anime Festival Asia Indonesia will be hosting the qualifying rounds for the AFA Regional Cosplay Championship, the most prestigious cosplay competition in South-East Asia.
Six teams first will compete in the qualifying round on Sep 1. The top two teams from this round will then go on to vie with other teams on the second day of AFA ID in the CLAS:H x ARCC Cosplay Finals for the chance to represent Indonesia at the ARCC Finals in Singapore in November.
Process of competition
- Judges will choose the 6 best teams from all Photos & Videos entry
- Six Semi Finalists will be announced on 20 Aug on AFA ID website
* Previous best Cosplay photo will be displayed in AFA ID website
- Six teams will compete on to move on to CLAS:H x ARCC Cosplay Finals
- Two teams will compete with eight CLAS:H Finalists on Sep 2 to be the ARCC Indonesia Champions and to represent Indonesia at the ARCC finals in AFA12.
- Two ARCC Finalists will be required to wear the same costumes on Sep 1.
ARCC Champion
- Represent Indonesia at ARCC Finals in AFA12
- Round trip tickets (for 2 persons) to Japan
- Cash Rp. 10.000.000
- Trophy
First Runner Up
- Cash Rp. 7.000.000
- Trophy
Second Runner Up
- Cash Rp. 5.000.000
- Trophy
Other Finalists
- Cash Rp. 2.000.000 (each)
- Certificates
Application Details
Start of application date
22 July 2012
End of application date
17 August 2012
Details required for Entry Form
An email submission is to be sent to [email protected] with following information :
- Cosplay Category
- Cosplay Title
- Character Names
- Team Name
- Team Profile
- Member Profiles (including 2 helpers) :
- Cosplay Nick Name
- Real Name as in ID Card
- ID Card Number
- Passport Number
- Place/ Date of birth
- Gender
- Age
- House Address & Telephone Number
- Work Address & Telephone Number
- Mobile Phone Number
- E-mail address
- Facebook address (where applicable)
- Twitter address (where applicable)
- Cure No. (where applicable)
- Costume Profile :
- Props List : small/ medium/ large (quantity & materials of each)
- Performance :
- Story scenario
- Props placement on stage
- Blocking scenario
- Smoke Gun scenario
- Video scenario
- Lighting scenario
- Required Attachments :
- ID Card (KTP) copy / scan
- Passport copy/ scan
- Consent from a parent or guardian to enter the tournament if participant is under 17.
Above three items to be sent in one pdf file
- Detail pictures of characters
- Synopsis of films/ game/ novel
- Background story of characters
- Five photos of previous cosplays (unedited)
- Photos of participants in normal clothing, close up & full body (1 of each)
- Video of draft performance, a maximum of 30 seconds
- 20% of costume is required
- Background music is required
- Special effects is not required
- Voice over is not required
- Action scenes are preferred
- MP4 or FLV format
By submitting an entry, you will have agreed to the rules found below
Rules for ARCC Indonesia Qualifiers
- Restricted to Japanese intellectual property including, but not limited to : anime/ manga, game, novels & live-action.
- Characters in the team must be from the same intellectual property.
- Participants are to provide the title of the intellectual property, plus the name and picture of the character they are cosplaying.
- Original, generic and self-modified characters from media of Japanese origin are not eligible.
- Each participation entry must have a team/performance name.
- Each contestants is represented by a team of two cosplayers.
- Competition is open to those residing Indonesia only.
- Participants under the age of 17 will require consent from a parent or guardian to enter the tournament.
- Each team is allowed to have 2 helpers.
- AFA reserves the right to use images, video clips of participant's cosplay and performances prior and after the tournament.
II : SCORING SYSTEM (Judging details and prerequisites)
- Participants will be judged based on 5 photos of previous Cosplay and a 30 second video of draft performance.
* Digitally edited photos will bear a score-penalty determined by a case-to-case basis. Wearing at least 20% of costume in video is required
- Participants' cosplay photos will be judged with reference to photos of participants in normal/daily clothing.
- Cosplay in the photos are restricted to Japanese intellectual property including, but not limited to, anime/manga, novel, game and live action.
- The AFA Cosplay Committee reserves the right not to publish cosplayers as participants on the organiser website if they have failed to provide the relevant and/or necessary information required for registration.
Pre-selection criteria
- Costume accuracy – 45%
Reference pictures provided by the finalists will be compared with the cosplay photos back stage before the performances.
- Costume workmanship – 35%
The quality of the costume will be reviewed based on the cosplay photos.
- For commissioned costume(s), the participating group will have to bear a 5% score-handicap.
- For purchased costume(s), the participating group will have to bear a 10% score-handicap.
- Choice of character – 20%
Awarded based on suitability of character for the participant.
Regional Cosplay Championship criteria
- Costume accuracy – 25%
Reference pictures provided by the finalists will be compared with the cosplay photos back stage before the performances.
- In character – 15%
Character write-up and other media provided by the finalists will be compared with the finalist's character actin.g
- Performance – 40%
The finalist will be judged on the stage directions, movement, and entertainment value of the performance piece. Entertainment value will take up 30% of the performance score. Technical directions will take up 10% of performance score.
- Costume workmanship – 20%
The quality of the costume will be reviewed backstage before the performance.
- For commissioned costume(s), the participating group will have to bear a 5% score-handica.p
- For purchased costume(s), the participating group will have to bear a 10% score-handicap.
Contestant's Responsibility
- All information furnished by the contestant to the organiser should be truthful to the best of knowledge of the contestant.
- Contestant is responsible for condition of his/her costume at all times.
- Contestant should voice any difficulties to the AFA Cosplay Committee prior to the Championship.
- Contestant backing out of the Championship has to give official notice to the organiser at least 1 month prior to the Championship.
- Contestant is responsible for the condition of any music or video to be played during his/her performance.
- Contestant should remain contactable during any reasonable time before the Championship. In the case whereby contestant is unable to be contacted for a period of time, this period of time has to be make known to the AFA Cosplay Committee.

Anime Festival Asia Regional Cosplay Championship - Indonesian Preliminary
is in collaboration with CLAS:H.

Cosplay Planning and support by Richfield Design.