ARCC Indonesia

Process of competition
- The teams competing in AFAID 2016 ARCC will be selected by judges through an initial video audition.
- The 10 teams who pass the video audition will be announced on AFA ID Website and Anime Festival Asia Facebook before the event.
- Audition Video duration: Strictly 30 seconds
- Competition Video on background screen: Maximum 3 minutes’ duration
- Upload the audition video on YouTube and share the submission link in your application. Privacy settings are recommended.
- Start of application date: Aug 24, 2016 (Wednesday)
- End of application date: Sep 07, 2016 (Wednesday)
- Before the competition, contestants are to submit the details of their stage performance.
- Competition date: Sep 18, 2016 (Sunday)
Fantastic prizes will be awarded to the top 3 teams that emerge victorious!
1st Prize: 5,000,000 IDR
2nd Prize: 3,000,000 IDR
3rd Prize: 2,000,000 IDR
Competition Rules:
- Restricted to *Japanese intellectual property including, but not limited to, anime, comics, game, novel
*Any game, comic, animation…etc. produced in Japanese language including adaptions e.g. Japanese made anime of Ironman. - Characters in the group must be from the same intellectual property.
- Participants are to provide the title of the intellectual property and name and picture of the character which they are cosplaying.
- Each participation entry must have a team/performance name.
- Competition is open to those residing in Indonesia only.
- Each group is restricted to 2 cosplayers.
- Participants under the legal age will require consent from a parent or guardian to enter the tournament.
- AFA has the right to use images, video clips of participant’s cosplay and performances prior and after the tournament.
- Each group’s performance on stage is limited to 3 minutes not including preparation and setting up time for set(s).
- Preparation and setting up of set(s) is limited to 1 minute.
- Costumes can be self-made, commissioned, purchased. Commissioned, purchased costumes will have to bear a handicap (refer to judging guidelines).
- Contestants are to provide music/video clips to be played in the background during their performances. The following are allowed but must be credited to the intellectual property rights owner:
• Original animation extracted from the title
• Voice(s) of original voice actor(s)
• Song(s) with voices of original singer(s)
• Full music or portion of music from the title - The use of pyrotechnics, powder, confetti or any other item that can cause fire hazard or dirty the stage is strictly prohibited.
- Contestants may bring their own sets/stage props to be used in the performance. Each competing category is limited to maximum 3 pieces of set and they have to be declared to the organizer upon confirmation of contestants as finalists prior to the tournament. The setting up of sets must be manageable by 2 contestants + 2 helpers.
- The combined dimension of the sets when set up should not exceed 2m. X 2m. X 2m.
- Contestants are to engage their own helper(s), limited to 2 helpers, to aid them in preparation, setting up for their performance.
Judging Criteria:
- Participants will be judged based on photos and 30 second video of draft performance.
Digitally edited photos will bear a score-penalty determined by a case-to-case basis.
Wearing at least 80% of costume in video is required.
The AFA Cosplay Committee reserves the right not to publish cosplayers as participants on the organiser website if they have failed to provide the relevant and/or necessary information required for registration. - Costume Workmanship – 40%
- Draft Performance – 60%
- Costume accuracy – 25%
Reference pictures provided by the finalists will be used to compare with the costume in the back stage before the performances. - In character – 15%
Character write-up other media provided by the finalists will be used to compare with the finalist’s character acting. - Showmanship – 40%
The finalist will be judged on the stage directions, movement, and entertainment value of the performance piece.
• Entertainment value will take up 15% of the performance score.
• Technical directions will take up 10% of performance score.
• The effective and appropriate use of backdrop video will take up 10%. - Costume workmanship – 20%
• The quality of the costume will be reviewed in backstage before the performance.
• For commissioned costume(s), the participating group will have to bear a 15% handicap on the scoring
• For purchased costume(s), the participating group will have to bear a 20% handicap on the scoring
Contestant’s Responsibility:
- All information provided by the contestant to the organiser should be truthful to the best of knowledge of the contestant.
- The contestant is responsible for the condition of his/her costume at all times.
- The contestant should voice any difficulties to the AFA Cosplay Committee prior to the competition.
- Contestant backing out of the competition has to give official notice to the organiser at least 1 week prior to the competition.
- Contestant is responsible for the condition of any music or video to be played during his/her performance.
- Contestant should remain contactable during any reasonable time before the competition. In the case whereby contestant is unable to be contacted for a period of time, this period of time has to be make known to the AFA Cosplay Committee.
Please direct all enquiries on the rules to [email protected].
Catch the ARCC show on Sunday 18 September 16:15 ~ 18:15 at the MAIN Stage
ARCC Indonesia
Baozi & Hana