Anime Theatre FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

  • Where can I purchase tickets?

    • Online sales
      Online ticketing will be up soon.
      Online tickets will be cut off on the 09.11.11 (WED) at 11.59pm.

    • Physical Sales
      Physical tickets will continue at the Festival grounds on 12.11.11 (SAT). Tickets for the Naruto Movie 8: Blood Prison Screening 11.11.11 (FRI) at 8pm will go on sale from 6pm outside Hall 403.

  • How do I pay for the tickets if I purchase them online?
    We are using Paypal as our payment gateway. If you are using a credit card to make the payment, a Paypal account is NOT required to make the transaction. At the PayPal log in screen, click on 'Continue' under 'Don't Have a PayPal Account?' section to make the purchase without a PayPal account.

  • Where and when can I collect the ticket after I purchase them online?
    You may collect your tickets from the designated counter located in Hall 403, located outside the AFA Anime Theatre, during the Festival Ground opening hours. Tickets can be collected at any time before the start of your selected movie. Please bring along your e-mail receipt from as verification during collection.

    • For the movie scheduled for 11.11.11 (FRI) 8pm:
      Ticket collection and sales will be located at the entrance of Hall 403, from 11.11.11 (FRI) 6pm onwards. Additional AFA11 Ticket will not be required for this screening.

    • For the movies scheduled for 12.11.11 (SAT) 10am and 13.11.11 (SUN) 10am:
      Tickets can be collected at the entrance of Hall 403, from 9am onwards on 12.11.11 (SAT) and 13.11.11 (SUN). Patrons who have purchased tickets online for these two screenings will be allowed to purchase AFA11 Festival or Stage+Festival from this counter to allow them to enter the Festival grounds before the start of their movie.

  • Will tickets be sold at the event?
    Anime Theatre tickets will be sold at the event at the designated counter located in Hall 403, located at the entrance the AFA Anime Theatre, during the Festival Ground opening hours. Tickets are priced at $10 each.

  • Will the movies be sub-titled?
    Yes, all movies will have English subtitles and Japanese audio.

  • When can I enter the theatre?
    Doors will open 15 minutes before the start of screening.

  • What is the seating arrangement like in the theatre?
    There are no reserved seats and is strictly a on first come first serve basis.

  • Can I come in earlier and reserve seats for my friends?
    In the interest of the rest of the audience, we request that attendees do not reserve seats.

  • Are food and drinks allowed in the theatre?
    We request that patrons do not consume food and drinks in the theatre at all times.

Should you have further enquiries please email us at