Autograph System for Anisong VIP Holders
Autograph Balloting Process for VIP ticket holders
If you have purchased an AFAID15 I Love Anisong VIP ticket, you are entitled to an autograph ballot chance, for the same day of that the ticket is purchased for:
- purchasing a VIP ticket for 25.09.15 will entitle you to an autograph chance for artistes performing on 25.09.15
- purchasing a VIP ticket for 26.09.15 will entitle you to an autograph chance for artistes performing on 26.09.15.
- If you have purchased the two-day VIP package, you will be entitled to one autograph chance per day, as though you have purchased one VIP ticket per day.
- With your physical ticket, head to the autograph ballot counter. The counter will be located on the way from the ticket booth to the actual venue.
- There will be one queue for each of the artistes. Select the artiste you wish to ballot for.
- When it is your turn, hand over your ticket to have it punched, to show that you have made your ballot. If you do not hand over your ticket, you will not be allowed to continue.
- Draw for your autograph chance from a box. If you are successful, you will be given a coupon that will allow you to enter the queue for the autograph session. If you are not successful, you are not allowed to make another draw.
- There are two ways that an autograph ballot may close:
- The maximum allotment of 100 has been reached
- The autograph session has ended. Balloting for an artiste will end 15 minutes after the start of the autograph session.
Autograph Session Process for Successful VIP ticket holders
- If you have gotten your successful autograph ballot, you will be required to turn up at the designated counter at the specified time for the artiste of your choice. The counter’s location can be found in the event guide’s map.
- Please bring along the coupon that you were given at the time of the successful ballot. At various times in the queue, you will be asked to present the coupon as proof of identification. You will not be allowed to join the session if the coupon is not produced.
- Please turn up at least fifteen minutes before the start of the session. Please note that the session end once the entire queue has been cleared. The artiste will not entertain late-comers.
Timings for autograph sessions
25 Sep 2015 (Fri)
- 12:30pm – GARNiDELiA
- 1.30pm – FLOW
- 3.30pm – motsu x KAYA
- 4.30pm – nano (to be given by staff)
26 Sep 2015 (Sat)
- 12:30pm – fripSide
- 1.30pm – 和-KAZU-
- 3.30pm – yanaginagi
- 4.30pm – LiSA