VIP Autograph balloting information
VIP 簽名海報登記程序
There will only be 100 Autograph Posters per artist, making it a total of 400 Autograph posters from 4 artists to be given away.
Registration opens on 29 January 2018, 6pm and closes on 2 February 2018, 11:59am.
Please complete your registration early, as posters will be awarded based on first come first serve basis. *Not all VIP will receive autograph poster. Organisers will have final decision on the outcome.
- The application forms are only for those who have VIP tickets to C3AFAHK18 I Love Anisong concert on 11 February 2018.
- Each application is for each individual ticket. Please make separate applications if you have bought more than one ticket or are applying on behalf of others.
- Each ticket is only entitled to ONE application. Multiple applications for a single ticket will not be accepted.
- Each artiste is limited to 100 autographs. The autographs will be done on posters provided by the organisers. Autographs on personal items are not allowed.
- Please note that not all artistes may not be present for their sessions.
- Submission of this form does not guarantee your success in getting an autograph. If you unsuccessful for the artiste of your choice, you may or may not be allocated another artiste.
- Applications begin on 29 January 2018 (Mon), 6.00pm. and end on 2 February 2018 (Fri), 11.59am. Results will be announced on Facebook and our website before the event.
- The original purchaser NEED NOT make the application. Only the ticket holder who will be using the ticket to enter the concert needs to make the application. Please ensure that you are only making one application if you bought the ticket for someone else or asked someone to buy the ticket for you.
- All details asked for in the application form will only be used for onsite verification purposes to ensure that the correct person gets the autograph. All personal information collected will be kept with the strictest confidence and will be deleted after the event.
- You will be asked to present a photo ID (NRIC, passport, etc) during the session for verification. Please bring along the photo ID as proof of identity. If you are not able to attend the session, you can have another person collect the autograph on your behalf. The person will need to present a photocopy or photo of the photo ID that was used in the application.
- You will get a message ‘Your application ballot has been submitted.’ once the submission has been made.
- All entries submitted are final and no correspondence will be accepted. Please ensure all information is checked correct before submission.
- The organiser reserves the right to disqualify and delete all submissions of persons who submit multiple submissions for the same seat.
- Winning seat numbers will be posted on AFA Facebook page and website by 6 February 2018 (Tue), 6pm. No e-mail notifications will be sent out.
- All decisions made are final and the organisers will not accept any correspondence.
- 表格只供C3AFAHK18 I Love Anisong 演唱會 VIP門票($1180)持有人士填寫。
- 一份申請表格只對應一張門票,請為每張門票遞交獨立的申請表格。
- 每張門票只限遞交一份申請表格,重複的申請不會被接納。
- 每組演出單位簽名海報派發名額為100張。大會不接受活動參加人士另外遞交個人物品給演出單位進行簽名。
- 請留意演出單位有可能不出席此簽名海報派發活動。
- 遞交此申請表格不保證申請者能成功報名參加活動獲得簽名海報。申請者亦可能獲分配非意欲演出單位的簽名海報。
- 申請程序於1月29日下午6時開始,至2月2日早上11時59分結束。申請結果將於Facebook及官方網站公佈。
- 此申請表格應由當晚觀看演唱會的門票持有人遞交,門票購買者無需填寫此申請表格。如申請者其門票由他人代為購買,請確保該門票只遞交一次申請表格。
- 申請表格內所有資料只作本活動用途,所有個人資料將妥善保管並於活動結束後銷毀。
- 參加者需出示含有個人照片的身份證明文件(香港身份證、護照等)以核對身份,請攜帶身份證明文件出席活動。如參加者當日無法出席,可授權他人代為領取簽名海報,唯該獲授權人士需要出示授權者的身份證明文件副本以茲證明。
- 申請完成後會顯示”我們已經收到您回覆的表格。”訊息提示。
- 申請一經遞交無法再作修改,遞交前請確保表格內所有資料正確無誤。
- 大會有權取消所有以同一門票重複遞交表格的申請。
- 成功獲得出席活動資格的申請者門票座位名單將於2月6日於Facebook及官方網站公佈。
- 大會保留本活動之最終解釋及決定權。

The following information will required to be entered during the application process. Please have this information ready before you fill up the form.
- Name of ticket holder
Please enter the name of the person who would be using the ticket for the concert. - Ticket holder’s Photo ID number
Please enter the Photo ID (e.g. passport, NRIC, driver’s license, student card, etc) of the person who would be using the ticket for the concert. - Block letter for seat being used for application
Please enter only the row letter for the seat that is being used for the application. If your seat is Block A Row B Seat 49, please enter A. - Row letter for seat being used for application
Please enter only the row letter for the seat that is being used for the application. If your seat is Block A Row B Seat 49, please enter B. - Seat number for seat being used for application
Please enter only the seat number for the seat that is being used for the application. If your seat is Block A Row B Seat 49, please enter 49. - Artiste you wish to ballot for:
• fhána, or
• 春奈 るな Luna Haruna, or
• 西沢 幸奏 Shiena Nishizawa, or
• 乃木坂46 (NOGIZAKA46) (given by members selected by artiste management)
- 門票持有人姓名
請填寫門票使用者的姓名。 - 門票持有人身份證明文件號碼
請填寫門票使用者含有個人照片的身份證明文件號碼。 - 座位段列
請填寫門票座位的段號。如門票座位為A段B行49號,請填寫A。 - 座位行列
請填寫門票座位的段號。如門票座位為A段B行49號,請填寫B。 - 座位號數
請填寫門票座位的段號。如門票座位為A段B行49號,請填寫49。 - 你想申請的演出單位:
• fhána
• 春奈 るな Luna Haruna
• 西沢 幸奏 Shiena Nishizawa
• 乃木坂46 (NOGIZAKA46) (由經理人安排派發成員)

For all concert enquiries, contact us at: [email protected]