State of the art Motion Capture Technology + LED based display systems to achieve a true-to-life concert experience!
Born out of the TV anime “Guity Crown”, EGOIST is an artiste produced by ryo (supercell)
At first being the heroine of the TV anime “Guilty Crown”, Inori Yuzuriha was part of a unit in the anime, and is now actively performing in the real world.
All their CD releases to date have achieved the TOP10 on the Oricon Weekly Charts.
Venturing out of the “Guilty Crown” anime, EGOIST has performed the theme songs for numerous other animation series including 2 seasons and the movie adaptation of “PSYCHO-PASS”, Noitamina Movies “The Empire of Corpses”, “Genocidal Organ” and “Harmony (Project Itoh)”, “Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress” and most recently, “Fate/Apocrypha”.
Unit producer ryo (supercell) collaborated with countless illustrators and designers to create the unit known as supercell, which has received explosive praise from fans, with over 20,000,000 replays on video site niconico douga.
EGOIST’s vocalist chelly, is a songstress diva who was handpicked from a pool of over 2,000 potential candidates.
One of the greatest features in their live performance is the use of the latest motion capture technology. Not just within Japan, but even holding solo performances in many overseas countries including Hong Kong, Singapore and Taipei. Their global popularity continues to grow!
Lahir dari anime TV “Guilty Crown”, EGOIST adalah artist yang diproduseri oleh ryo (supercell)
Awalnya tampil sebagai heroine anime TV “Guilty Crown”, Inori Yuzuriha adalah bagian dari unit di anime-nya, dan sekarang aktif tampil di dunia nyata.
Semua CD-nya yang dirilis sampai saat ini telah masuk di TOP10 tangga lagu mingguan Oricon
Di luar anime “Guilty Crown”, EGOIST juga tampil sebagai pembawa lagu tema dari beberapa serial animasi seperti 2 season dan adaptasi layar lebar “PSYCHO_PASS”, film Noitamina “The Empire of Corpses”, Genocidal Organ”, dan “Harmony (Project Itoh)”, “Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress”, dan paling baru “Fate/Apocrypha”
Produser unit ryo (supercell) berkolaborasi dengan beberapa ilustrator dan desainer untuk membuat unit yang dikenal dengan nama supercell, yang telah menerima sambutan luar biasa dari para penggemar dengan videonya ditonton lebih dari 20,000,000 kali di situs video niconico douga.
Vokalis EGOIST, chelly, adalah diva penyanyi yang dipilih secara khusus dari lebih dari 2000 kandidat
Satu hal yang paling menarik dari penampilan live mereka adalah penggunaan teknologi motion capture terbaru. Tidak hanya di Jepang, tapi mereka juga menggelar pertunjukan solo di banyak negara seperti Hong Kong, SIngapura, dan Taipei. Popularitas mereka di dunia internasional terus berkembang!

Ami Wajima
Born in Kutchan, Hokkaido, 19-year old.
Ami Wajima won the HORIPRO×PONY CANYON Next Generation Anisong Singer Audition in 2016 and debuted with “Genso Drive”, the opening for the TV anime series Mayoiga, in May 2016. She released her second single “Eien Loop” in August 2016, which was the ending theme song (Ending 2) for the TV anime series “Kuromukuro”. On February 22, 2017, Wajima released her first album “I AM”. She has appeared as a guest in events overseas as well in countries such as China, the Philippines and Singapore, and is among the next generation of Anisong singers to keep an eye on.
Lahir di Kutchan, Hokkaido, 19 tahun
Ami Wajima memenangkan HORIPROxPONY CANYON Next Generation Anisong Singer Audition di tahun 2016 dan debut dengan “Genso Drive”, lagu pembuka anime TV Mayoiga, di bulan Mei 2016. Ia merilis single keduanya “Eien Loop” di bulan Agustus 2016, yang menjadi lagu penutup kedua dari anime TV “Kuromukuro”. 22 Februari 2017, Wajima merilis album perdananya “I AM”. Ia tampil sebagai buntang tamu di event luar negeri seperti China, Filipina dan Singapura, dan menjadi salah satu penyanyi anisong generasi baru yang patut disimak

BAND-MAID is a rock band consisting of 5 women wearing maid outfits in achieving world domination.
Kobato Miku(Gt./Vo.) who used to work at a maid cafe in Akihabara came up with the idea to fuse the word “MAID” and “BAND” in July 2013. She then recruited a guitarist, bassist and drummer to form BAND-MAID. In the same year, Saiki (Vo.) joined the group and became a two vocal band.
~A concept that seemed to have existed but didnt: A hardcore maid rock band~
They refer their concerts as “servings” and their audiences as “masters” and “princesses.” In contrast to their maid world looks, they play hardcore rock music using their performance skills as weapons, they continue to fascinate their audience.
In 2015, their music video Thrill was introduced on an EU music website which attracted attention and fans world-wide.
In 2017, they had a rise in popularity in Japan as well, and started their first “one-man” tour at 6 different locations in Japan (8 concerts) which were all SOLD OUT. They also performed at some of the biggest rock festivals in Japan such as SUMMER SONIC and RISING SUN ROCK FESTIVAL.
They released their 2nd major album in 2018 causing a BAND-MAID sensation world-wide. Don’t take your eyes off the maid’s who will surely have a major break-through in 2018.
BAND-MAID adalah band rock yang terdiri dari 5 gadis yang memakai kostum maid dalam
perjalanannya untuk menguasai dunia.
Kobato Miku (Gt/Vo) yang sempat bekerja di maid café di Akihabara mempunyai ide untuk
menggabungkan kata “MAID” dan “BAND” di bulan Juli 2013. Ia lalu merekrut gitaris, basis dan
drummer untuk membentuk BAND-MAID. DI tahun yang sama, Saiki (Vo) bergabung ke dalam
grup dan menjadi band 2 vocal
Di tahun 2015, video klip mereka Thrill diperkenalkan di website music Eropa dan menarik
perhatian serta fans di seluruh dunia.
Di tahun 2017, popularitas mereka juga menanjak di Jepang, dan mulai melakukan tur solo di 6
lokasi berbeda di Jepang (8 konser) yang mana semuanya SOLD OUT. Mereka juga tampil di
beberapa festival rock terbesar di Jepang seperti SUMMER SONIC dan RISING SUN ROCK
Mereka merilis album major kedua mereka di 2018 dan membuat sensasi BAND-MAID di
seluruh dunia. Jangan kedipkan mata kalian dari para maid yang pastinya akan membuat
terobosan baru di 2018.

Konomi Suzuki
The winner of the Animax Anison Grand Prix, Konomi Suzuki made her debut with the song “CHOIR JAIL” (lyrics produced by Aki Hata), when she was 15 years old. She made six consecutive appearances at the biggest anime-song festival in Japan, ‘Animelo Summer Live’.
She also sang various TV animation main theme songs, such as “This Game”, the opening theme song of the TV anime “No Game, No Life”, and “Redo”, opening theme song of TV anime “Re:Zero” and for the movie “No Game, No Life: Zero”. For the TV anime “LOST SONG”, she made her voicing debut, as Rin.
Konomi Suzuki lahir di tahun 1996
Ia menerima penghargaan utama di Japan Anime Song Grand Prix, dan debut dengan lagu CHOIR JAIL (lirik dibuat oleh Aki Hata), saat ia berumur 15 tahun
Ia tampil 4x berturut-turut di festival lagu anime terbesar di Jepang, Animelo Summer Live
Ia juga menyanyikan berbagai lagu tema anime, dan menyanyikan lagi “This Game”, lagu pembuka dari anime No-Game No-Life, dan “Redo”, lagu pembuka anime Re:Zero. Ia merilis 3 lagu lagi di 2017. Ia juga menerima hadiah kedua di minggu pertama Billboard Japan Hot Animation

Mashiro Ayano
Mashiro Ayano is a female singer currently living in Toyako, Hokkaido.
With a resolute voice resounding with clarity, her songs and messages reaches and grabs the listeners’ hearts. In 2014, Mashiro made her debut with the opening theme song, ‘ideal white’, of the television anime, ‘Fate/stay night’. After that, she has also sung the theme songs of many other television anime such as ‘Gunslinger Stratos’ and ‘D.Gray-man HOLLOW’. Other than performing at live events in Japan, she has also visited overseas countries such as Singapore, Los Angeles, Germany, and Taiwan. In October 2016, she released her 1st album, ‘WHITE PLACE’. This year, in May, she released a single, “Shoudou”, which was chosen to be the ending theme song of ‘Record of Grancrest War’. She will also be holding a One-man Live, ‘PARAISO’, and ‘YOUR WORLD’ soon.
Mashiro Ayano adalah penyanyi wanita yang saat ini tinggal di Toyako, Hokkaido.
Dengan suaranya yang bening dan tegas, lagu dan pesan-pesannya menyentuh dan memikat hati para pendengarnya. Di tahun 2014, Mashiro debut dengan lagu ‘ideal white’sebagai pembuka anime TV ‘Fate/stay night’. Setelah itu ia juga menyanyikan lagu tema dari banyak anime seperti ‘Gunslinger Stratos’ dan ‘D.Gray-man HOLLOW’. Selain tampil di konser di Jepang, ia juga mengunjungi negara seperti Singapura, Los Angeles, Jerman, dan Taiwan. DI Oktober 2016, ia merilis album pertamanya, ‘WHITE PLACE’. Tahun ini bulan Mei dia merilis single ‘Shoudou’ yang terpilih menjadi lagu penutup “Record of Grancrest War’ ia juga akan mengadakan pertunjukan solo. ‘Paraiso’, dan ‘YOUR WORLD’ dalam waktu dekat.

Megumi Nakajima
After winning the top prize at “Victor Vocal & Voice Audition” in 2007, Megumi made her debut as a voice actor and a singer with the TV animation “Macross Frontier”. In the series she played the role of Ranke Lee, and sang many songs including “Seikan Hikou”, which went No.5 on Japan’s Oricon single chart.
She started to release songs under her name with the single “Tenshi ni naritai” in 2009, and has released 11 singles so far including “Try Unite! (opening theme for “The Flower of Rin-ne”)”, “Watashi no Sekai (ending theme for ” Fuuka “)” and “Saturday night Question (opening theme for “Recovery of an MMO Junkie”)”, and 4 albums including “Curiosity” which came out this year. In 2009 she won a prize for the best singer category in “The 3rd Seiyu Award”.
As a voice actress she plays many heroine characters such as Ruri Aiba for “Sacred Seven”, Yuzuki Eda for “A Town Where You Live”, and Megumi Aino & CureLovely for “HappinessCharge PreCure!”. Recently she made a guest appearance on “Violet Evergarden” as Charlotte Eberfreya Drossel.
Setelah memenangkan hadiah pertama di “Victor Vocal & Voice Audition” di tahun 2007, Megumi Nakajima memulai debutnya sebagai pengisi suara dan penyanyi dengan anime TV “Macross Frontier”. Dalam serialnya ia berperan sebagai Ranka Lee, dan menyanyikan banyak lagu termasuk “Seikan Hikou”, yang masuk di Oricon Chart Jepang di peringkat ke 5
Ia memulai merilis lagu atas Namanya dengan single “Tenshi ni Naritai” di thaun 2009 dan merilis 11 single sejauh ini termasuk “Try Unite! (lagu pembuka “The Flower of Rin-ne”)”, “Watashi no Sekai (lagu penutup ” Fuuka”)” dan “Saturday night Question (lagu pembuka untuk “Recovery of an MMO Junkie”)”, serta 4 album termasuk “Curiosity” yang dirilis tahun ini. Di tahun 2009 ia memenangkan penghargaan di kategori penyanyi terbaik di “The 3 rd Seiyuu Award”
Sebagai pengisi suara ia memainkan banyak peran heroine seperti Ruri Aiba di “Sacred Seven”, Yuzuki Eda di “A Town Where You Live” dan Megumi Aino & Cure Lovely di “HappinessCharge PreCure”. Baru-baru ini dia tampil sepintas di “Violet Evergarden” sebagai Charlotte Eberfreya Drossel

She started her singing career with a single produced by Satoshi Shimano, “anytime, anywhere”.
In March 2001, her third single “Way to Love” was chosen as a drama theme song and was a smash hit selling 300 thousand copies.
In 2011, she focused on being a lyricist.
She composed songs for artistes such as, LoVendoЯ, Kis-My-Ft2, Eir Aoi, and also composed character and anime songs for artistes such as THE IDOLM@STER.
The song「Beat Generation」performed by Fairies, which she wrote, won the ‘Excellence Award’ in the 45th Yu-sen Taisho.
Her lyrics are highly praised by many fans, as it holds close and uniquely identifies to each of the pieces.
In 2014, she restarted her career as an artiste, TRUE.
She has sung various Anime theme songs, including the opening theme song of Buddy Complex and Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans.
From strong and intense music to grand ballads, she has a good command of the various singing styles..
In 2018, TRUE is welcoming her 5th year anniversary, and in April, she has released her 3rd album, “Lonely Queen’s Liberation Party”.
Ia memulai karir penyanyinya dengan single yang diproduksi oleh Satoshi Shimano, “anytime, anywhere”.
di bulan Maret 2001, single ketiganya “Way to Love” terpilih sebagai lagu tema drama dan menjadi hits dengan terjual lebih dari 300 ribu kopi
di 2011, ia fokus menjadi pembuat lirik.
Ia membuat lagu untuk berbagai artis seperti LoVendoЯ, Kis-My-Ft2, Eir Aoi, dan juga membuat lagu karakter dan anime untuk artis seperti THE IDOLM@STER.
Lagu “Beat Generation” yang dinyanyikan oleh Fairies, yang ia tulis, memenangkan “Excellence Award” di 45th Yu-sen Taisho.
Liriknya sangat dipuji oleh para fans, karena terasa intim dan unik dengan masing-masing lagunya.
Di tahun 2014, ia merestart karirnya sebagai artis TRUE
Ia menyanyikan banyak lagu anime, termasuk lagu pembuka Buddy Complex dan Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans
Dari lagu yang keras dan intens hingga balad, ia memiliki kemampuan untuk menyanyikan banyak gaya lagu.
di tahun 2018, TRUE menyambut 5 tahun karirnya dan di April, ia merilis album ketiga “Lone Queens’s Liberation Party”.