Creators Hub
AFA’s popular showcase of artists and creators from all over the region – and beyond! Artists can sell their artwork, merchandise, and apparel to our massive audience of ACG fans.
The Creators Hub for Anime Festival Asia Indonesia 2025 is now accepting registrations!
Pameran populer AFA yang menampilkan seniman dan kreator dari seluruh wilayah – dan lebih jauh lagi! Seniman dapat menjual karya seni, merchandise, dan apparel mereka kepada audiens besar penggemar ACG.
Creators Hub untuk Anime Festival Asia Indonesia 2025 kini membuka pendaftaran!
★ How to Register for Creators Hub ★
1. Visit the Registration Portal
2. Login to an existing account or Sign up for a new account
Registration is free!
3. Click on "Register as: Creator"
Information such as registration end date, booth pricing, booth size, rules, regulations and more will be listed here.
Or, scroll down to view our F.A.Q
4. Fill in the Form to Register
Please note that registration does not confirm your participation. Please apply only if you are sure to attend, if successful in the ballot. Only successful applicants will be contacted via email.

Cosplay Hub
Cosplayer dapat menjual photobook dan cetakan, mengadakan Meet & Greet serta sesi foto, menampilkan merchandise dan karya seni mereka sendiri, dan masih banyak lagi!Cosplay Hub untuk Anime Festival Asia Indonesia 2025 kini membuka pendaftaran!
★ How to Register for Cosplay Hub ★
1. Visit the Registration Portal
2. Login to an existing account or Sign up for a new account
Registration is free!
3. Click on "Register as: Cosplayer"
Information such as registration end date, booth pricing, booth size, rules, regulations and more will be listed here.
Or, scroll down to view our F.A.Q
4. Fill in the Form to Register
Please note that registration does not confirm your participation. Please apply only if you are sure to attend, if successful in the ballot. Only successful applicants will be contacted via email.
Foreigners are Welcomed to Apply!
Foreign Creators will need to apply for a Visa and appoint a local helper to conduct sales at the booth.
Printing and production services are available for creators who wish to print in Indonesia.
Foreign Creators agree to indemnify the Organisers if Indonesian visa and labour laws were found to have been breached.
For additional services for visa application, local helpers and local printing assistance, please contact our team at afaid@sozo.sg for clarifications.
Kreator asing dipersilakan untuk mendaftar!
Kreator asing harus mengajukan Visa dan menunjuk asisten lokal untuk melakukan penjualan di booth.
Frequently Asked Questions
General Information
What is the AFAID 2025 Creators Hub? |Apa itu Creators Hub di AFAID 2025?
The Creators Hub is a dedicated space at Anime Festival Asia Indonesia (AFAID) 2025 where independent artists, art collectives, and small groups can showcase and sell their original, self-produced artwork and merchandise.
❌Cosplayer-related products are NOT allowed in this hub.
Creators Hub adalah area khusus di Anime Festival Asia Indonesia (AFAID) 2025 untuk seniman independen, kolektif seni, dan klub sekolah guna memamerkan serta menjual karya seni dan merchandise asli yang mereka buat sendiri.
❌ Produk terkait cosplayer TIDAK diizinkan di Creators Hub.
What is the AFAID 2025 Cosplay Hub? | Apa itu Cosplay Hub di AFAID 2025?
The Cosplay Hub is a specialized area at AFAID 2025 exclusively for regional cosplayers to:
✔️ Exhibit and sell self-produced merchandise (e.g., photobooks, prints, cosplay-related goods).
✔️ Organize meet-and-greet sessions with fans.
✔️ Engage with the cosplay community and promote their work.
🚨 Only cosplayers may apply for the Cosplay Hub. Cosplayer-related items can ONLY be sold in the Cosplay Hub.
❌ Overtly sexual and morally ambiguous merchandise or services are NOT allowed.
Cosplay Hub adalah area khusus di AFAID 2025 yang diperuntukkan bagi cosplayer regional untuk:
✔️ Menampilkan dan menjual merchandise buatan sendiri (seperti photobook, cetakan foto, dan barang-barang cosplay lainnya).
✔️ Mengadakan sesi meet-and-greet dengan penggemar.
✔️ Berinteraksi dengan komunitas cosplay dan mempromosikan karya mereka.
🚨 Hanya cosplayer yang dapat mendaftar untuk Cosplay Hub. Produk terkait cosplayer HANYA dapat dijual di Cosplay Hub.
❌ Merchandise atau layanan yang bersifat seksual eksplisit dan tidak bermoral TIDAK diperbolehkan.
When and where is AFAID 2025 taking place? | Kapan dan di mana AFAID 2025 akan berlangsung?
AFAID 2025 will be held on June 6-8, 2025, at the Jakarta Convention Center.
AFAID 2025 akan diselenggarakan pada 6-8 Juni 2025 di Jakarta Convention Center.
How do I register for a booth? | Bagaimana cara mendaftar untuk booth?
To apply for a booth, fill out the registration form. Booths are assigned via a ballot system, and registering does not guarantee a spot.
1. Visit https://portal.sozo.sg
2. Login or Signup for an account
3. Click on “Register as: Cosplayer or Creator”
4. Complete the form to join the ballot.
Untuk mendaftar booth, isi formulir pendaftaran. Booth akan dialokasikan melalui sistem undian (ballot), sehingga pendaftaran tidak menjamin mendapatkan slot.
- Kunjungi https://portal.sozo.sg
- Login atau Daftar untuk membuat akun
- Klik “Daftar sebagai: Cosplayer atau Kreator”
- Lengkapi formulir untuk mengikuti undian (ballot).
What is the difference between the Creators Hub, Cosplay Hub, and Commercial Exhibition Booths? | Apa perbedaan antara Creators Hub, Cosplay Hub, dan Booth Pameran Komersial?
Feature | Creators Hub | Cosplay Hub | Commercial Booths |
Who should apply? | Independent artists, art collectives, school clubs | Regional cosplayers | Businesses, official companies |
What can be sold? | Original/fan-made artwork, printed goods, self-made merchandise | Cosplay photobooks, prints, self-produced cosplay goods | Officially licensed merchandise, large-scale promotions |
Cosplayer-related products? | ❌ Not allowed | ✅ Allowed | ✅ Allowed |
Pricing | Rp. 5,500,000 + tax (for 3 days) | Rp. 5,500,000 + tax (for 3 days) | Please Contact Us! |
Booth sharing | Only for art groups/circles | Not allowed | |
Event interaction | Selling and promoting self-made artwork & merchandise | Meet-and-greet, self-promotion, cosplay-related sales | Large-scale brand promotion and sales |
If an applicant is deemed to be a business entity, they may be moved to the Commercial Exhibition Booths at the organizer’s discretion.
Fitur |
Creators Hub |
Cosplay Hub |
Booth Komersial |
Siapa yang dapat mendaftar? |
Seniman independen, kolektif seni, klub sekolah |
Cosplayer regional |
Bisnis, perusahaan resmi |
Apa yang bisa dijual? |
Karya asli atau fan-made, barang cetak, merchandise buatan sendiri |
Photobook cosplay, cetakan foto, merchandise cosplay buatan sendiri |
Merchandise berlisensi resmi, promosi berskala besar |
Produk terkait cosplayer? |
❌ Tidak diizinkan |
✅ Diizinkan |
✅ Diizinkan |
Harga booth |
Rp. 5.500.000 + pajak (3 hari) |
Rp. 5.500.000 + pajak (3 hari) |
Hubungi AFAID |
Berbagi booth? |
✅ Hanya untuk grup seni/komunitas |
❌ Tidak diizinkan |
Interaksi acara |
Menjual dan mempromosikan karya seni & merchandise buatan sendiri |
Meet-and-greet, promosi diri, penjualan terkait cosplay |
Promosi dan penjualan produk berskala besar |
💡 Jika pendaftar dianggap sebagai entitas bisnis, maka mereka dapat dipindahkan ke Booth Pameran Komersial sesuai kebijakan penyelenggara.
Who is eligible to apply for a Creators Hub or Cosplay Hub booth? | Siapa yang berhak mendaftar untuk booth Creators Hub atau Cosplay Hub?
Independent artists, cosplayers, art collectives, societies, and school clubs are eligible. Business entities (e.g., private limited companies, non-profits) must apply for a commercial booth instead.
Seniman independen, cosplayer, kolektif seni, komunitas, dan klub sekolah berhak mendaftar. Entitas bisnis (misalnya, perusahaan terbatas, organisasi nirlaba) harus mendaftar untuk booth komersial sebagai gantinya.
Can business entities apply for a Creators Hub or Cosplay Hub booth? | Apakah entitas bisnis dapat mendaftar untuk booth Creators Hub atau Cosplay Hub?
No. Businesses must apply for a Commercial Exhibition Booth, and the organizer reserves the right to upgrade any entity they deem as a business.
❌ Tidak. Bisnis harus mendaftar untuk Booth Pameran Komersial, dan penyelenggara berhak mengubah pendaftaran entitas yang dianggap sebagai bisnis ke kategori booth komersial.
Booth & Pricing
What is included in the Creators Hub and Cosplay Hub booth packages? | Apa saja fasilitas yang termasuk dalam booth Creators Hub dan Cosplay Hub?
Both Creators Hub and Cosplay Hub booths cost Rp. 5,500,000 + tax (for 3 days) and include:
- 2m x 2m booth space with a back wall
- 1 Table (4ft x 2ft)
- 2 Chairs
- 1 Waste Paper Basket
- 2 Exhibitor Passes (Maximum of 3 people allowed in the booth at any time)
Harga booth: Rp. 5.500.000 + pajak (untuk 3 hari), termasuk:
✅ Booth berukuran 2m x 2m dengan dinding belakang
✅ 1 Meja (4ft x 2ft)
✅ 2 Kursi
✅ 1 Tempat Sampah
✅ 2 Kartu Tanda Peserta Pameran (Maksimal 3 orang di booth dalam satu waktu)
⚠️ Kartu tanda peserta tambahan dikenakan biaya tambahan.
Can I share a booth with another artist or cosplayer? | Bisakah saya berbagi booth dengan seniman atau cosplayer lain?
Creators Hub: Booth sharing is only allowed for art groups or circles.
Creators Hub: ✅ Berbagi booth HANYA diizinkan untuk grup seni atau komunitas.
Cosplay Hub: Booth sharing is NOT allowed. Each cosplayer must apply for their own booth.
Cosplay Hub: ❌ Berbagi booth TIDAK diizinkan. Setiap cosplayer harus mendaftar secara individu.
Can foreign creators or cosplayers apply? | Apakah seniman atau cosplayer asing dapat mendaftar?
Yes! Foreign creators and cosplayers can apply but must:
- Obtain an Indonesian visa (if required).
- Appoint a local helper to conduct sales at their booth (for Creators Hub participants).
- Comply with Indonesian labour laws.
If you need more information about Indonesia VISA, please contact us at afaid@sozo.sg
✅ Ya! Seniman dan cosplayer asing dapat mendaftar, tetapi harus:
✔️ Mendapatkan visa Indonesia (jika diperlukan).
✔️ Menunjuk asisten lokal untuk menangani penjualan di booth (hanya untuk peserta Creators Hub).
✔️ Mematuhi hukum ketenagakerjaan Indonesia.
📌 Jika memerlukan informasi tentang visa, hubungi: afaid@sozo.sg.
Are local printing services available for artists and cosplayers? | Apakah ada layanan pencetakan lokal untuk seniman dan cosplayer?
Yes, printing and production services are available in Indonesia. Creators can request assistance for local printing.
Ya! Layanan pencetakan dan produksi lokal tersedia di Indonesia.
Can business entities apply for a the Hub booth? | Apakah entitas bisnis dapat mendaftar untuk booth Hub?
No. Businesses must apply for a Commercial Exhibition Booth, and the organizer reserves the right to upgrade any entity they deem as a business.
❌ Tidak. Bisnis harus mendaftar untuk Booth Pameran Komersial, dan penyelenggara berhak mengubah pendaftaran entitas yang dianggap sebagai bisnis ke kategori booth komersial.
Registration & Selection Process
How are booths assigned? | Bagaimana cara penentuan booth?
Booths are assigned through a ballot process. Selected applicants will be contacted for follow-up and payment.
Booth akan dialokasikan melalui sistem undian (ballot). Hanya peserta yang terpilih yang akan dihubungi untuk pembayaran.
What happens if I submit incorrect contact information? | Apa yang terjadi jika saya memasukkan informasi kontak yang salah?
If the organizers cannot contact you due to incorrect details, your slot will be given to another applicant.
Jika penyelenggara tidak dapat menghubungi Anda, slot Anda akan diberikan kepada pendaftar lain.
When does registration close? | Kapan batas waktu pendaftaran?
April 6, 2025, at 23:59 WIB (or earlier, if all booths are allocated).
6 April 2025, pukul 23:59 WIB (atau lebih awal jika semua booth telah terisi).
Can I change my application details after submitting? | Dapatkah saya mengubah detail pendaftaran setelah mengirimkan formulir?
If selected, any changes to your products or details must be reported immediately via email to afaid@sozo.sg.
Jika Anda terpilih, perubahan produk atau detail harus segera dilaporkan melalui email ke afaid@sozo.sg.
Will I be notified if my application is unsuccessful? | Apakah saya akan diberi tahu jika tidak terpilih?
No, only successful applicants will be contacted.
❌ Tidak, hanya peserta yang berhasil yang akan dihubungi.
Products & Sales
What kind of products can I sell at the Creators Hub? | Produk apa saja yang boleh dijual di Creators Hub?
All products must be original creations by the artist. Approved items include:
- Printed Works (Doujinshi, Artbooks, Prints, Postcards, Stickers)
- Digital Works (Original Music, Games, Movies/Animations)
- Merchandise (Acrylic charms, Enamel pins, Plushies, Apparel, Jewelry)
❌ Cosplayer-related products (photobooks, prints, cosplay goods) are NOT allowed in the Creators Hub.
✔️ Diperbolehkan:
- Karya Cetak: Doujinshi, Artbook, Cetakan, Kartu Pos, Stiker
- Karya Digital: Musik asli, Game, Film/Animasi
- Merchandise: Gantungan akrilik, Pin enamel, Boneka, Pakaian, Aksesori
❌ Produk terkait cosplayer (photobook, cetakan, barang cosplay) TIDAK diizinkan di Creators Hub.
What kind of products can I sell at the Cosplay Hub? | Produk apa saja yang boleh dijual di Cosplay Hub?
The Cosplay Hub allows the sale of:
- ✅ Cosplay photobooks
- ✅ Cosplayer prints & posters
- ✅ Self-produced cosplay accessories
- ✅ Other cosplay-related merchandise
🚨 Overtly sexual and morally ambiguous merchandise and services are NOT allowed.
Boothing rights can be rescinded and the exhibitor escorted out of the venue should violations be found.
✔️ Diperbolehkan:
- ✅ Photobook cosplay
- ✅ Cetakan & poster cosplayer
- ✅ Aksesori cosplay buatan sendiri
- ✅ Layanan penggemar yang tidak melibatkan makanan
- ✅ Barang dagangan cosplay lainnya
🚨 Merchandise dan layanan yang bersifat seksual eksplisit serta tidak bermoral TIDAK diperbolehkan.
Hak penggunaan booth dapat dicabut, dan peserta pameran dapat dikeluarkan dari lokasi acara jika ditemukan pelanggaran.
What items are prohibited? | Barang apa saja yang dilarang di kedua hub?
The following items CANNOT be sold:
- Food & beverages
- Bootlegs (e.g., unofficial figures, unauthorized merchandise)
- Politically or religiously sensitive material
- Explicit sexual content
- Items from creators who did not pass the ballot
- Parallel-imported or second-hand anime merchandise
- Fan-made games using copyrighted characters
- AI-generated art (DALL-E, MidJourney, etc.)
❌ Barang-barang berikut TIDAK boleh dijual:
- Makanan & minuman
- Barang bajakan (misalnya, figur tidak resmi, merchandise tanpa izin)
- Materi yang sensitif secara politik atau keagamaan
- Konten seksual eksplisit
- Barang dari kreator yang tidak lolos seleksi undian (ballot)
- Merchandise anime impor paralel atau barang anime bekas
- Game buatan penggemar yang menggunakan karakter berhak cipta
- Seni buatan AI (DALL-E, MidJourney, dll.)
Can I sell fan art or cosplay-related fan merchandise? | Apakah saya boleh menjual fan art atau merchandise penggemar terkait cosplay?
✔️ Fanbooks, prints, and related merchandise are allowed in the Creators Hub, as long as they comply with content guidelines.
✔️ Cosplayer-related products can only be sold in the Cosplay Hub.
✔️ Fanbook, cetakan, dan merchandise terkait diperbolehkan di Creators Hub, asalkan sesuai dengan pedoman konten.
✔️ Produk terkait cosplayer hanya dapat dijual di Cosplay Hub.
Can I sell commissioned artwork at the event? | Apakah saya boleh menjual karya seni komisi di acara ini?
✔️ On-the-spot art commissions are allowed in the Creators Hub.
✔️ Cosplayer commissions (e.g., custom prints or signed merch) are allowed in the Cosplay Hub.
✔️ Komisi seni langsung (on-the-spot) diperbolehkan di Creators Hub.
✔️ Komisi cosplayer (misalnya, cetakan khusus atau merchandise bertanda tangan) diperbolehkan di
Legal & Other Information
Is my personal data protected? | Apakah data pribadi saya aman?
By submitting your registration, you agree to SOZO’s privacy policy and consent to your data being transferred outside Indonesia. Privacy Policy in English only.
Dengan mengirimkan pendaftaran Anda, Anda menyetujui kebijakan privasi SOZO dan memberikan izin untuk transfer data Anda ke luar Indonesia. Kebijakan privasi hanya tersedia dalam bahasa Inggris.
Will my booth be promoted on AFAID’s website and social media? | Apakah booth saya akan dipromosikan di website dan media sosial AFAID?
If you give consent, AFAID 2025 will feature your participation in its marketing.
✅ Ya! Jika Anda memberikan izin, AFAID 2025 akan mempromosikan booth Anda melalui kanal media resminya.
Who do I contact for further inquiries? | Siapa yang bisa saya hubungi untuk pertanyaan lebih lanjut?
You can reach the AFAID 2025 team at afaid@sozo.sg.
📩 Silakan hubungi tim AFAID 2025 di afaid@sozo.sg.