Featured Anime: Is the order a rabbit?? Introduction: From this spring, Cocoa has come to this new town to attend high school. While lost in the streets, she came across the cafe “Rabbit House”, which also happens to be the cafe she is supposed to be...
Featured Anime: Charlotte Introduction: Very few adolescent boys and girls have an onset of special abilities. Yu Otosaka is one such man who uses his ability unbeknownst to others in order to lead a satisfying school life. Then one day, a girl named Nao Tomori...
Featured Anime: The Asterisk War Introduction: Invertia (meteor storm)… an unprecedented disaster that struck the world during the 20th century. Because of this disaster, numerous cities around the world were destroyed. However, within the meteor, an unkown...
Featured Anime: YuruYuri San☆Hai! Introduction Yuru Yuri is a TV anime series that first aired in 2011, which rapidly gained popularity. The 2nd season aired in 2012, and the highly anticipated 3rd season is currently airing. It depicts the daily life of a group of...
Featured Anime: Garakowa -Restore the World- Introduction An original anime project from Pony Canyon and A-1 Pictures! Kantoku (Original characters design), Fumihiko Shimo (Screenplay) and Masashi Ishihama (Director) join forces to create an all-new animated feature “...
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