Learn from makeup gurus and celebrity cosplayers Baozi and Hana at an exclusive makeup workshop at C3AFA Jakarta 2018!
When: 1 September
Time: 03:00PM to 04:30PM
Venue: ICE BSD – Garuda 6 Room
Price: IDR500,000 (PPN tax excluded)
• Flower Knows makeup items (worth IDR350,000): eyeshadow palette and lipstick
• Exclusive Baozi & Hana poster
• Autograph session on poster or product
• Q&A session
• Group photo
Limited spots available!
Come and meet Sora Tokui at C3AFA Jakarta 2018!
When: 2 September
Time: 12:30PM
Venue: ICE BSD – Garuda 6 Room
Price: IDR350,000 (PPN tax excluded)
• Exclusive signing card
• Autograph session on signing card
• Q&A session
• Group photo
When: 2 September 2018 Sunday
Time: 02:00PM to 03:30PM
Registration for 15 pre-selected finalists from 10:00AM until 12:30PM on 2 September 2018 Sunday.
Venue: AKIBA STAGE in C3AFA Jakarta 2018
1st place: IDR 3.000.000
2nd place: IDR 2.500.000
3rd place: IDR 2.000.000
Best Performance: IDR 1.000.000
Best Armor Costume: IDR 750.000
Best Fabric Costume: IDR 750.000
Rules & Regulations:
- Submit the complete online registration form in this link: C3AFAJKT18Cosplay
- Only 15 finalists will be selected for doing the performance in the final round
- Every cosplay character genre is allowed (including: anime, manga, tokusatsu, game, comic, movie) except original character
- Maximum duration of stage performance is 3 minutes
- All contestants may use additional props or shadow man (masquerade) to support their stage performance. The shadow man must be full in black from head to toe.
- The judging points include:
- Costume quality and similarity with the original character
- Acting
- Stage Performance
- The official team will do the full checking of costumes and props material, so we can make sure that all materials are safe for performing on stage
- The contestants that are using airsoft replicas as part of their weapon props must have an orange tip indicator. The ammo magazine will not be allowed in the halls.
- The contestants may NOT use any liquid materials as props, confetti, or any item that would cause a mess on stage.
- The judges’ decisions are absolute.
- Please come to the venue on time and be punctual.
Rules & Regulation:
- Mengisi lengkap formulir pendaftaran online pada link ini : C3AFAJKT18Cosplay
- Hanya 15 cosplayer yang akan diterima setelah proses seleksi pada tahap pendaftaran
- Setiap genre karakter cosplay diperbolehkan (termasuk: anime, manga, tokusatsu, game, komik, film) kecuali karakter original
- Durasi maksimal perform adalah 3 menit
- Semua peserta dapat menggunakan props tambahan atau shadow man (helper) untuk mendukung pertunjukan panggung. shadowman harus menggunakan pakaian hitam dari kepala sampai kaki
- Panitia akan melakukan pemeriksaan penuh pada kostum dan props, sehingga kami dapat memastikan bahwa semua materi aman untuk
- Para peserta yang menggunakan airsoft untuk props senjata harus menggunakan ujung oranye dan tidak diizinkan untuk membawa ammo magazine
- Para kontestan tidak diperbolehkan menggunakan props dari bahan cair, confetti, atau apapun yang dapat menyebabkan kerusakan ataupun membuat panggung kotor
- Keputusan juri adalah mutlak
- Harap datang ke tempat tepat waktu, sehingga semua bisa berjalan dengan lancar
- Kriteria penilaian meliputi:
- Kualitas kostum dan kemiripan dengan karakter asli
- Penjiwaan karakter
- Stage Performance

Cosplay Selfie Competition
Come by to C3AFA Jakarta 2018 on either Saturday or Sunday and win!
Snap a selfie at either the Canon booth / CIMB Niaga Indie Account booth/ AFA shop booth or AFA Wall of Fame and stand to win Rp 200,000 in cash!
We will choose 5 winners each day!
- Take a selfie at Canon booth / CIMB booth/ AFA shop or AFA Wall of Fame at C3AFA Jakarta
- Post your selfie on Instagram with the hashtag #C3AFAJKT18 (set to public)
- Contest valid for Saturday and Sunday only ( 1 and 2 September)
- The contest starts from 10.00am-4.00pm
- Winners will be announced on the Akiba stage at 5pm and will be announced in AFA official accounts
- Winners will get a Rp 200,000 cash prize. There will be 5 winners each day
- Prizes must be claimed at Organizers office (SMO) on the same day from 5.05pm – 7.45pm
- Judges’ decisions are absolute. Any unclaimed amounts will be forfeited.