Enjoy our new gaming zone at C3AFA Jakarta: AFA Play powered by GameStart!

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Jesuke is a Singaporean cosplayer, who specialises in cosplaying male characters like Gintama, and Sasuke. Her interests goes further than just cosplay however, as she enjoys playing games like Monster Hunter, Diablo 3, and Overwatch. It is her wish to share her cosplay experiences with people all around the world.
Jesuke adalah cosplayer dari Singapura, yang berspesialisasi untuk menjadi karakter pria seperti Gintama dan Sasuke. Hobinya lebih dari sekedar cosplay, dia juga senang bermain game seperti Monster Hunter, Diablo 3, dan Overwatch. Cita-citanya adalah untuk membagikan pengalaman cosplaynya ke seluruh dunia


Richard Suwono

A professional Digital Artist and Illustrator from Indonesia. His love for “Amerimanga” and fighting games influences a lot of his works, especially from Capcom’s artists with their dynamic and exaggerated styles. He really loves fighting game themes a lot, which is why he usually draws characters from that genre. He injects humour in his work to make people smile. Richard also worked on concept art for DnD (Dungeon and dragon) games and various card games such as YuGiOh and King Of Fighters. His wish is to make people smile with his charming art style.
Artis Digital dan Ilustrator profesional ar Indonesia. Kecintaannya pada “Amerimanga” dan fighting game memperngaruhi karyanya, terutama dari artis Capcom dengna gayanya yang dinamis dan luar biasa Ia sangat mencintai tema fighting game, karena itu juga ia menggambar karakter dari genre tersebut. Ia memasukan humor ke dalam ilustrasinya untuk membuat orang tersenyum Richard juga mengerjakan concept art untuk game Dungeon and Dragon dan beberapa game kartu lain seperti YuGiOh dan King of Fighters. Ia bercita-cita ingin membuat orang tersenyum dengan gaya ilustrasinya



Tanky’s inspirations come from Studio Ghibli’s films, various manga titles like Dragonball (Akira Toriyama), Bakuman ( Tsugumi Ohba & Takeshi Obata), One Punch Man (One & Yusuke Murata) and also other artists like Joseph Zbukvic, Ian Mcque, Craig Mullins, Nathan Fowkes etc. Tanky is currently developing his own original comic series.
Tanky mendapat inspirasi dari film Studio Ghibli, beberapa manga seperti Dragon Ball (Akira Toriyama), Bakuman (Tsugumi Ohba & Takeshi Obata), One Punch Man (One & Yusuke Murata) dan juga artis lain seperti Joseph Zbukvic, Ian Mcque, Craig Mullins, Nathan Fowkes Tanky saat ini mengerjakan serial komik orisinilnya sendiri



Come down to the Agate booth at AFAPlay to see what local developers can bring to the gaming scene!


Goblin Gamer Company Limited

Under AFAPlay, check out Project War Mobile by Goblin Gamer Company Limited at their booth!



Come and play the popular Virtual Reality (VR) game, Beat Saber at the OmniVR booth and stand a chance to win free playtime at any OmniVR arcade!


Toge Productions

We are excited to have Toge Productions showcasing their games at AFAPlay! Come down to their booth to give their wonderful games a try.


Xmashed Gear

Need new gaming apparel? Fear not! Xmashed has you covered. Check out the Xmashed booth as they make their Indonesian debut.


Gaming Room by Republik Sultan

Come experience retro gaming at the Gaming Room by Republik Sultan, sponsored by Doki Doki Station.


BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle

Pick your pair of fighters and prove they are the ultimate team as AFAPlay hosts an exclusive BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle tournament.

Register here: https://beastapac.com/afaplay2018/.


Official Dragonball FighterZ Dragon Radar tournament (PS4)

We are excited to announce that AFAPlay will be host to an official Dragonball FigherZ Dragon Radar tournament, an open tournament that is offering a free trip for the winner to attend a Dragonball FighterZ World Tour SAGA event of their choice, anywhere in the world.

Register here: https://beastapac.com/afaplay2018

More details and list of SAGA events can be found here:


Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2

Prove your mettle as the best player in Indonesia at AFAPlay’s exclusive Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2 tournament!

Register here: https://beastapac.com/afaplay2018/.


Tekken 7

Claw your way to victory at AFAPlay’s exclusive Tekken 7 tournament!

Register here: https://beastapac.com/afaplay2018/.



We are excited to announce that Armadeggon will be the official quest sponsor of AFAPlay. Complete the quest cards by performing various activities at selected booths and stand a chance to win attractive prizes!



We are proud to announce that Razer is the official sponsor of AFAPlay

How Game Companies Make Money

Febrianto Anwari

Febrianto Nur Anwari is the Senior Editor of Duniaku.net, the biggest game and pop culture media in Indonesia. He started his career in game industry as a game journalist since 2008, and was one of the initial members of Duniaku.net since 2011. His biggest interest is local game developer scene. Currently, his mission is to spread the news about Indonesia’s game industry to both local and international game and creative industry’s enthusiast with a brand new site, which is still a part of Duniaku.net’s family, called Gameprime.org. He believes Indonesian Game industry will advance rapidly and be more well-recognized globally through the development of Game Prime.

Febrianto Nur Anwari adalah Senior Editor di Duniaku.net, media game dan pop culture terbesar di Indonesia. Ia memulai karirnya di industri game sebagai jurnalis game sejak 2008, dan salah satu anggota pertama Duniaku.net sejak 2011. Ketertarikannya paling besar adalah kepada developer game lokal. Saat ini, misinya adalah untuk menyebarkan berita mengenai industri game Indonesia kepada enthusias game dan industri kreatif lokal dan internasional dengna situs baru, yang mana merupakan bagian dari Duniaku.net, disebut Gameprime.org. Ia percaya industri game Indonesia akan berkembang dengan cepat dan mejadi lebih dikenal secara internasional dengan pengembangan Game Prime.

How Game Companies Make Money

Kris Antoni Hadiputra

Kris Antoni is the founder and supreme leader of Toge Productions, an independent game development and publishing studio based in Indonesia. Kris has more than 9 years of experience in making and releasing quirky and unusual independent games, including award-winning titles such as Infectonator and My Lovely Daughter.

About the company

Toge Productions is an independent game development and publishing studio based in Indonesia. Founded in 2009, Toge Productions has published more than 30 games to various platforms including Steam and Nintendo Switch. As a publisher, Toge Productions focuses on helping underprivileged developers bring their games to the global market.

Kris Antoni adalah founder dan supreme leader dari Toge Productions, studio game independen dan publisher berbasis di Indonesia. Kris mempunyai lebih dari 9 tahun pengalaman dalam membuat dan merilis game independen yang unik dan menarik, termasuk pemenang penghargaan Infectonator dan My Lovely Daughter.

Tentang perusahaan

Toge Productions adalah studio game independen dan publisher berbasis di Indonesia. Didirikan di tahun 2009, Toge Productions merilis lebih dari 30 game ke beberapa platform termasuk Steam dan Nintendo Switch. Sebagai publisher, Toge Production fokus dalam membantu developer kurang beruntung untuk membawa game mereka ke pasar global.

How Game Companies Make Money


Nico founded OMNIVR in 2016 to solve one of Virtual Reality’s biggest problem, the distribution channel. He puts a special focus on how the technology could reach mass market as efficient and effective as possible. He’s a business-minded person who keep on researching on how games change the way people think and interact.

About the company

OMNIVR is an Indonesian Virtual Reality company, focused on game distribution and hardware development. Since 2016, OMNIVR has collaborated and working with more than 20 malls around Greater Jakarta area to build VR Experience and will continue to do so.

Nico mendirikan OMNIVR di tahun 2016 untuk menyelesaikan salah satu masalah terbesar Virtual Reality, distribusi. Ia berfokus pada masalah bagaimana cara teknologi ini bisa menjangkau masyarakan luat seefisien dan seefektif mungkin. Ia merupakan orang dengan mindset bisnis yang terus meneliti bagaimana game dapat merubah cara orang berpikir dan berinteraksi.

Tentang perusahaan

OMNIVR adalah perusahaan Virtual Reality Indonesia, fokus pada distribusi game dan pengembangan hardware. Sejak 2016, OMNIVR telah berkolaborasi dan membuat VR Experience di lebih dari 20 mall di area Jakarta dan akan terus berkembang.

How Game Companies Make Money

Shieny Aprilia

Shieny is CMO and co-founder of Agate, the largest Indonesian game company. Since 2009, she’s been leading the company from its inception until becoming one of the largest in South-East Asia. Shieny has bachelor degree on Informatics Engineering from Institute of Technology Bandung. She’s been a gamer since her childhood and are very grateful for living her dream building her game company. Other than gaming, she’s also passionate on improving quality of education, especially in her own country.

About the company

Agate is the largest Indonesian game company. Since 2009, the company has been growing by providing gamification solutions for B2B market and high quality games for B2C market. For the B2B market, the company is helping more than 100 companies to engage with their customers and employees better with its gamified advertising and gamified learning solution. For the B2C market, the company develops mobile games that are already played by more than 5 million users and makes people’s interaction more meaningful.

Shieny adalah CMO dan co-founder dari Agate, perusahaan game terbesar di Indonesia. Sejak 2009, ia telah memimpin perusahan ini dari pendiriannya sampai menjadi salah satu yang terbesar di Asia Tenggara. Shieny memiliki gelar Teknik Informasi dari Institut Teknologi Bandung. Ia seorang gamer dari kecil dan sangat bersyukur bisa mewujudkan impiannya untuk membuat perusahaan game. Selain gaming, ia juga mempuya passion dalam meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan terutama di negara kelahirannya.

Tentang Perusahaan

Agate adalah perusahaan game terbesar. Sejak berdiri tahun 2009, perusahan ini tumbuh dengan menyajikan solusi gaming untuk market B2B dan game berkualitas untuk market B2C. Untuk market B2B, perusahaan ini menolong lebih dari 100 perusahaan untuk melayani pasar mereka dengan advertising gaming dan gaming learning solution. Untuk market B2C, perusahaan ini membuat berbagai mobile game yang telah dimainkan oleh lebih dari 5 juta pengguna dan membuat interaksi pemainnya menjadi lebih bermakna.