Born 1991 in Tokyo.
She started violin at the age of 3. When she was still a student, she was a soloist in the Saint Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra’s concert tour conducted by Andre Anichanov, spanning 13 performances across Japan.
In 2011, she joined the instrumental band “Sword of the Far East”. After numerous live performances and music productions, she went solo in 2015. She’s active in multiple facets, with TV appearances, as well as performing as part of the band for the solo lives of AKB48’s Yuki Kashiwagi and NMB48’s Sayaka Yamamoto.
When her street live performance was uploaded onto Twitter, it quickly gained more than 2 million views and trended. As a result, her own followers increased to over 25,000, and continues to grow. The same video was also reposted on Facebook as well as Weibo. Overseas followers also highly rated her performance.
On top of that, she also uploads performances onto YouTube, while cosplaying as characters of the related anime. The high quality of music and cosplay has captured the hearts of fans, with over 200,000 subscribers on her channel.
As a violinist that is active in all genres, her unique position has ensured she’s one to look out for.
Ia mulai bermain biola sejak umur 3 tahun. Saat ia masih seorang pelajar, ia adalah solois di tur konser Orkestra Saint Petersburg Philharmonic oleh Andre Anichanov, dengan 13 penampilan di seluruh Jepang.
Di tahun 2011, ia bergabung ke band instrumental “Sword of the Far East”. Setelah berbagai penampilan dan produksi musik, ia berkarir solo di tahun 2015. Ia aktif di beberapa media, dengan penampilan di TV, juga tampil sebagai bagian dari band untuk konser solo Yuki Kashiwagi dari AKB48 dan Sayaka Yamamoto dari NMB48
Saat pertunjukan jalanannya di upload ke Twitter, dengan cepat video itu ditonton lebih dari 2 juta kali dan menjadi trend. Sebagai hasilnya, follower-nya menunjak menjadi lebih dari 25,000 orang dan terus berkembang. Video yang sama juga di upload di Facebook dan Weibo. Penonton luar negeri juga memuji penampilannya
Selain itu, ia juga meng-upload permainannya di Youtube, sambil bercosplay sebagai karakter dari anime yang musiknya ia mainkan. Kualitas tinggi musik dan cosplaynya berhasil memikat penggemar, dengan lebih dari 200,000 subscriber di channelnya.
Sebagai violinis yang aktif di berbagai genre, posisi uniknya membuat ia sebagai artis yang patut dipantau

Eri Sasaki
Born 13 June 1989 in Fukuoka.
She started training in classical violin in her youth. Upon enrolling in the Faculty of Integrated Human Studies at Kyoto University, she joined the light music club, and began activities as a singer-songwriter.
After graduation, as a creator, while she was creating music exclusively for Sony Music Publishing, she also participated as a vocalist and backing chorus for many works. In 2015, she made her debut as a singer with “Ring of Fortune”, the opening theme song for the TV anime “Plastic Memories”. She was also a surprise guest on the 2nd day of Animelo Summer Live 2015 -THE GATE-.
In 2018, she wrote, created and arranged the music for the song “Fuyubiyori”, the ending theme to the popular TV Anime “Laid-Back Camp”. She in highly active in the industry, ranging from working on improvisation live events collaborating with yoga instructors using her soothing voice as a ‘healing songwriter’, as well as being the music director for the musical “Legend of the Milky Way”.
She has many hobbies, including:
Musicals, movies, watching foreign TV dramas, creating her own accessories, oil painting, cooking, the party game Mafia and more.
For more information on the Healing Songwriter unit “Herio”, please see the following link: http://herio.jp/
Lahir 13 Juni 1989 di Fukuoka
Ia mulai berlatih biola klasik sejak muda. Saat masuk ke Fakultas Humanoria di Universitas Kyoto, ia bergabung ke klub musik, dan memulai aktifitas sebagai penyanyi-penulis lagu
Setelah lulus, sebagai kreator, bersamaan dengan saat ia menulis lagu untuk Sony Music Publishing secara eksklusif, ia juga berpartisipasi sebagai vokalis dan backing chorus untuk berbagai karya. Di tahun 2015, ia debut sebagai penyanyi di “Ring of Fortune”, lagu pembuka untuk anime TV “Plastic Memories”. Ia juga tampil sebagai guest kejutan di hari kedua Animelo Summer Live 2015 -THE GATE-
Tahun 2018, ia menulis, membuat dan mengaransemen musik untuk lagu “Fuyubiyori”, lagu penutup dari anime populer “Laid-Back Camp”. Ia aktif di industri ini, dari event improvisasi bekerjasama dengan instruktur yoga sebagai “penulis lagu penyembuhan”, juga sebagai sutradara musik untuk musikal “Legend of Milky Way”.
Ia memiliki banyak hobi, termasuk:
Musikal, film, menonton film drama asing, membuat aksesori, melukis minyak, memasak, game party Mafia dan masih banyak lagi
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang unit Healing Songwriter “Herio”, kunjungi website http://herio.jp/

Based in Jakarta, Indonesia, JKT48 is the international sister group of AKB48. Similar to AKB48, JKT48 performs almost on a daily basis at their theater located inside a shopping mall in Jakarta. As “idols you can meet” the group builds and flourishes through fan support. There are a total of 61 members with three teams, Team J, Team K3, Team T and Acedemy. Every year since 2015, the group held “General Election” to select the top members. JKT48 aims to be a national idol group, expanding from Jakarta to the rest of Indonesia, and from Asia to the World.
Kami ingin menciptakan tempat bagi para perempuan Indonesia untuk mewujudkan impian mereka. Bersama para penggemar, kami ingin membuat satu-satunya “Idola Orisinil Indonesia“. Inilah inspirasi utama kami meluncurkan JKT48. Seluruh anggota JKT48 akan berjuang untuk menggapai tujuan mereka menjadi idola sesungguhnya. Untuk itu, mereka akan berdedikasi tinggi terhadap kegiatan mereka. Tidak hanya menyanyi dan menari, namun juga bakat atau penampilan lainnya. Ayo, datang dan saksikan para anggota berjuang keras mewujudkan mimpi mereka. AKB48 dapat sukses karena tumbuh “bersama“ para penggemar sehingga mereka dapat mencapai posisi seperti saat ini. Kami ingin JKT48 mengikuti jejak AKB48 untuk menjadi grup idola yang dekat dengan para penggemarnya dan juga menjalin hubungan yang erat dengan mereka. Kami percaya bahwa dukungan dari para penggemar akan membawa JKT48 ke tingkat yang lebih tinggi, dimulai dari grup idola yang berbasis di Jakarta hingga menjadi dikenal di seluruh dunia.

LOST SONG director, JUMPEI & MORITA has a wide range of experience, ranging from being the assistant director of live-action movies, to working on TV dramas, variety shows and documentaries, as scriptwriter and director.
In recent years, he has been involved in the series composition and directing of various anime works.
Some of his works:
g@me (TOHO) – In production
Install (KADOKAWA) – Assistant Director
TV anime:
Nobunaga Concerto (Storyboard)
Occultic;Nine (Series Composition, Scriptwriter)
LOST SONG (Original creator, scriptwriter, director)
Various Japanese documentaries, variety shows, dramas, commercials and music videos.
Sutradara Lost Song, JUMPEI & MORITA memiliki segudang pengalaman, dari menjadi seorang asisten sutradara film live action, sampai bekerja di drama tv, variety show dan dokumenter, sebagai penulis skenario dan sutradara
Beberapa tahun belakangan ia terlibat di di pengerjaan komposisi seri dan menyutradarai berbagai anime
Beberapa karyanya:
g@me (TOHO) – Dalam produksi
Install (KADOKAWA) – Asisten Sutradara
Anime TV:
Nobunaga Concerto (Storyboard)
Occultic;Nice (Komposisi seri, penulis skenario)
LOST SONG (Kreator orisinil, penulis, sutradara)
Beberapa dokumenter, variety show, drama, iklan, dan musik video Jepang

Hailing from Hiroshima, Jun Kasama is an avid basketball player when he’s not working.
Some of his voice credits include:
- Gundam Build Divers – Kyoya Kujo
- High School DxD Hero – Heracles
- You Don’t Know Gunma Yet – Otoya Todoroki
- THE iDOLM@STER: SideM – Amehiko Kuzunoha
Besides voicing for anime and game roles, he also does narration work for multiple shows on national Japanese television programs.
Jun Kasama Datang dari Hiroshima, Jun Kasama adalah pemain basket yang giat saat ia sedang tidak bekerja Beberapa perannya antara lain:
• Gundam Build Divers – Kyoya Kujo
• High School DxD Hero – Heracles
• You Don’t Know Gunma Yet – Otoya Todoroki
• THE iDOLM@STER: SideM – Amehiko Kuzunoha
Selain menyuarakan peran anime dan game, ia juga menarasikan beberapa tayangan di televisi Jepang.

Kizuna AI
Started her YouTube career in December 2016, the (self-proclaimed) world’s first Virtual YouTuber. Her main channel, (A.I.Channel) has over 2 million subscribers and her game-focused channel, (A.I.Games) has over 900 thousand subscribers. With her cute, anime character-ish looks and voice, she has gained popularity not only in Japan but also in overseas countries as well. In March 2018, she has been appointed as the ambassador for the Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO). Furthermore, in July 2018, she released her first original song titled “Hello, Morning”. Her wish is to connect with everyone from around the world.
Memulai karir YouTube-nya di bulan Desember 2016, (mengaku sebagai) Virtual Youtuber pertama di dunia. Channel utamanya, (A.I. Channel) telah berhasil mengumpulkan lebih dari 2 juta subscriber dan channel gaming-nya, (A.I. Games) telah memiliki 900 ribu subscriber. Dengan suara dan rupanya yang lucu serta mirip seperti karakter anime, ia telah mendulang popularitas tidak hanya di Jepang tapi juga di dunia internasional. Bulan Maret 2018, ia ditunjuk sebagai duta untuk Japan National Tourism Organization (JTNO). Selain itu, di Juli 2018, ia merilis lagu orisinil pertamanya berjudul “Hello, Morning”. CIta-citanya adalah ingin terhubung ke semua orang di seluruh dunia

Konomi Suzuki
Konomi Suzuki was born in 1996.
She received first prize of all Japan anime song grand-prix, and made a debut with the song “CHOIR JAIL” (lyrics produced by Aki Hata), when she was 15 years old.
She made four consecutive appearances at the biggest anime-song festival in Japan, ‘Animelo Summer Live’.
She also sang various TV animation main theme songs, and sang “This game”, opening theme song of TV anime No-Game, No-Life, and “Redo”, opening theme song of TV anime Re:Zero. She will be releasing 3 more songs in 2017. She has also received 2nd prize at the first week of Billboard Japan Hot Animation.
Konomu Suzuki lahir di tahun 1996
Ia menerima penghargaan utama di Japan Anime Song Grand Prix, dan debut dengan lagu CHOIR JAIL (lirik dibuat oleh Aki Hata), saat ia berumur 15 tahun
Ia tampil 4x berturut-turut di festival lagu anime terbesar di Jepang, Animelo Summer Live
Ia juga menyanyikan berbagai lagu tema anime, dan menyanyikan lagi “This Game”, lagu pembuka dari anime No-Game No-Life, dan “Redo”, lagu pembuka anime Re:Zero. Ia merilis 3 lagu lagi di 2017. Ia juga menerima hadiah kedua di minggu pertama Billboard Japan Hot Animation

Sora Tokui
Sora Tokui is a voice actress currently under avex Pictures.
Some of her main voice acting works include the following:
• Love Live! (Nico Yazawa)
• Detective Opera Milky Holmes (Nero Yuzurizaki)
• Is the Order a Rabbit? (Maya)
• BLEND-S (Hideri Kanzaki)
Sora Tokui adalah pengisi suara dibawah avex Pictures
Beberapa perannya sebagai pengisi suara antara lain:
• Love Live! (Nico Yazawa)
• Detective Opera Milky Holmes (Nero Yuzurizaki)
• Is the Order a Rabbit? (Maya)
• BLEND-S (Hideri Kanzaki)

Yukari Anzai
Release the Spyce
Managed by Swallow. As a new voice actress, she has been selected to be the lead in 2 titles, one of which being Momo Minamoto, the main character for “RELEASE THE SPYCE”, an original anime beginning in October 2018, and Tiara, the main character in the game, “Lapis Re:LiGHTs”.
Some of her other roles include:
• Duel Masters – Hanma Churis
• Angel’s 3Piece! – Takako Ishirugi
She has also performed a wide range of activities as a voice actress, including recording character songs, narration as well as being an event MC.
Dinaungi oleh Swallow. Pengisi suara baru, ia telah terpilih untuk menjadi pemeran utama di 2 serial, salah satunya adalah Momo Minamoto, karakter utama di “RELEASE THE SPYCE”, anime orisinil yang akan dimulai Oktober 2018, dan Tiara, karakter utama di game “Lapis Re:LIGHTs”
Perannya yang lain diantaranya:
– Duel Masters – Hanma Churis
– Angel’s 3Piece! – Takako Ishirugi
Ia juga tampil di berbagai aktifitas sebagai pengisi suara, termasuk menyanyikan lagu karakter, narasi, dan juga MC event

Aya Anjani
ANiBEATS Local Heroes
AYA Anjani is a singer-songwriter based in Jakarta, Indonesia. Determined to have a distinctive character of voice and song-writing, her fans recognize her alluring voice through numerous songs she wrote based on various musical genres. In 2013, she started performing as a musician and released couple of songs that recognized by Indonesia’s sub-culture communities. In her sweet and (sometimes) witty lyrics, AYA Anjani has always put a mellow mood in her works. While being unique on its own way, people take her songs as an intimate chat with a touch of solitude.
Discography Hei (Single), consist of 2 tracks:
- Hei (6816 Listeners on Spotify)
- Hei (acoustic) (1826 Spotify Listeners)
The 1ST EP (EP), consist of 5 tracks:
- Hei (6816 Listeners on Spotify)
- Darling Selalu (4206 Listeners on Spotify)
- Yang Kusuka Kamu Bukan Kopi (7173 Listeners on Spotify)
- Sudah (5151 Listeners on Spotify)
Darling Selalu (acoustic) (2944 Listeners on Spotify)
AYA Anjani adalah penyanyi dan penulis lagu berasal dari Jakarta. Cita-citanya memiliki karakter vokal dan karya yang khas dapat didengar lewat lagu-lagu yang ia tulis dari genre musik yang beragam. Dengan suara yang memikat dan lirik yang kadang “nyeleneh”, AYA sanggup membawa pendengar hanyut dalam lagu-lagunya yang bertema keseharian. Musical Career Pada tahun 2013, AYA membentuk sebuah duo cover bernama Choco Miruku, membawakan lagu-lagu dari grup JKT48 yang saat itu sedang jaya di kalangan anak muda Jakarta. Nama Sarah Anjani perlahan menyita perhatian kalangan pencinta budaya Jepang. Sampai akhirnya di tahun 2014, ia merilis single perdananya yang berjudul “Hei”. Single ini disambut meriah oleh komunitas sub-kultur di Indonesia.
Discography Hei (Single), consist of 2 tracks:
- Hei (6816 Listeners on Spotify)
- Hei (acoustic) (1826 Spotify Listeners)
The 1ST EP (EP), consist of 5 tracks:
- Hei (6816 Listeners on Spotify)
- Darling Selalu (4206 Listeners on Spotify)
- Yang Kusuka Kamu Bukan Kopi (7173 Listeners on Spotify)
- Sudah (5151 Listeners on Spotify)
Darling Selalu (acoustic) (2944 Listeners on Spotify)

GinyuforcE is a creator and pioneer of glow art performance with curving and straight lines expressed by the light of Cyalume Glow Sticks. They explored the Wotagei dance to one of the cool art performances.
Their performances that was posted on YouTube took the world by storm and admired by many Cyalume Dancers worldwide. GinyuforcE widens their appeal by not only performing at Wotaku events, but by appearing on many famous celebrities video clip and TV programs.
Currently, GinyuforcE organize the one and only World Wotagei Battle called,”Cyalume Dance World Battle” together with Lumica Corporation.
GinyuforcE adalah kreator dan pionir dari penampilan glow art dengan Cyaluma Glow Stick. Mereka mengeksplorasi tarian Wotagei sebagai salah satu penampilan seni.
Penampilan mereka yang di-upload ke Youtube mengejutkan dunia dan dikagumi banyak penari Cyalume. GinyuforcE melebarkan pesona mereka dengan tampil tidak hanya di event Wotagei tapi juga tampil di banyak video klip selebriti dan program TV.
Saat ini, GinyuforcE menyelenggarakan event World Wotagei Battle terbesar dan satu-satunya di dunia bernama “Cyalume Dance World Battle”.

Hiroaki Kato

Multi creator who does songwriting, DJ-ing, scripting and staging. Started his career from the internet activity, right now he hosts a number of events that attracting more than 1,000 people.
His expertise has no limitations – besides involving in official remixes of anime theme songs, he is also an active DJ who performs at World Cosplay Summits, Voice Actor Live events, and other big events around the world.
Kreator multi talenta yang menulis lagu, DJ, skrip dan staging. Memulai karirnya di internet dan sekarang ia menyelenggarakan beberapa event yang menarik lebih dari 1000 orang.
Kemampuannya tak terbatas- selain terlibat di remix resmi dari beberapa lagu tema anime, ia juga aktif sebagai DJ yang tampil di World Cosplay Summit, event live Seiyuu, dan banyak event lain di seluruh dunia.

Lotus Juice
ANiBEATS Local Heroes
One of the pioneers in rap for official Japanese anime and game music, Lotus Juice’s ingredients are from 90’s Hip Hop, J-Pop, Dub, Rock, Comedy, Love and many more. He is well known for his works with Shoji Meguro from ATLUS Japan, ripping the mic on the track “Mass Destruction” on the game Persona 3. He has been traveling around the world from Argentina, Mexico, to USA performing at anime and game conventions in front of his international fans. His unique flow has caught attention from Taque Iwasaki, and their collaboration has gained substantial recognition. He is currently working on his 3rd album.
-Anime Credits-
Soul Eater
The Irregular at Magic High School
Black Butler
Katana Gatari
PERSONA3 THE MOVIE -#2 Midsummer Knight’s Dream-
PERSONA3 THE MOVIE -#3 Falling Down–
PERSONA Trinity Soul
-Game Credits-
Shin Megami Tensei Persona 3
Shin Megami Tensei Persona 3 Fes
Shin Megami Tensei Persona 3 PORTABLE
Persona 4 Arena Ultimax
Official Website: http://lotusjuice.com/top.html
Blog: http://profile.ameba.jp/ltothej/
Contact here: [email protected]
Salah satu pionir rap untuk lagu anime dan game, Lotus Juice bekerja dengan bahan dari 90’s Hip Hop, J-Pop, Dub, Rock, Komedi, Cinta dan banyak lainnya. Ia dikenal dengan karyanya bersama Shoji Meguro dari ATLUS Jepang, membakar mic di lagu Mass Destruction untuk game Persona 3. Ia telah tampil di berbagai belahan dunia seperti Argentina, Meksiko, sampai USA di berbagai event game dan anime untuk fans internasionalnya. Flow uniknya mendapat perhatian dari Taque Iwasaki, dan kolaborasi mereka mendapat banyak pengakuan. Saat ini ia sedang mengerjakan album ketiganya.
– Karya di Anime-
Soul Eater
The Irregular at Magic High School
Black Butler
Katana Gatari
PERSONA3 THE MOVIE -#2 Midsummer Knight’s Dream-
PERSONA3 THE MOVIE -#3 Falling Down-
PERSONA Trinity Soul
-Karya di Game-
Shin Megami Tensei Persona 3
Shin Megami Tensei Persona 3 Fes
Shin Megami Tensei Persona 3 PORTABLE
Persona 4 Arena Ultimax
Official Website: http://lotusjuice.com/top.html
Blog: http://profile.ameba.jp/ltothej/

Maya Putri
Maya Putri is Indonesia’s first ever Virtual YouTuber who debuted in August 2018. Maya is a natural-born singer and hopes to share her love of Indonesia with the rest of the world through her songs.
Check out her SNS at @mayaputriid !!
[Stage Schedule] Special Showcase: Maya Putri
Friday: 1510 | Saturday: 1430 | Sunday: 1100
Maya Putri adalah YouTuber Virtual pertama di Indonesia yang memulai debutnya pada bulan Agustus 2018. Maya adalah penyanyi berbakat dan berharap untuk membagikan cintanya pada Indonesia dan seluruh dunia melalui lagu-lagunya.
Lihat saluran SNS lainnya di @mayaputriid !!
[Stage Schedule] Special Showcase: Maya Putri
Friday: 1510 | Saturday: 1430 | Sunday: 1100

ANiBEATS Local Heroes

Nanairo Symphony
ANiBEATS Local Heroes
【ナナイロ・シンフォニー】(Seven Colors Symphony) is a vocal unit designated for offline performances. The unit consists of seven singers available to hire for live performances in Indonesia. All of the symphony members are connected through an online community called Indonesian Utaite, an active Facebook-based community where members actively share their song covers on both YouTube and SoundCloud. Members are: Giita Datenkou Okami Ken REi NEO Cella Ttom
【ナナイロ・シンフォニー】(Seven Colors Symphony) adalah unit vocal untuk pertunjukan offline. Unit ini terdiri dari 7 penyanyi yang direkrut untuk pertunjukan di Indonesia. Semua anggota symphony terhubung dengan komunitas online bernama Indonesian Utaite, komunitas aktif berbasis Facebook dimana anggotanya saling berbagi cover song di Youtube dan SoundCloud. Anggotanya antara lain, Giita Datenkou Okami Ken REi NEO Cella Ttom

ANiBEATS Local Heroes

Shojo Complex

Virtual YouTuber Siro
Siro began her activities as a popular YouTuber on 28 June 2017. Today in August 2018, her channel has garnered over 520,000 subscribers, whom she uploads new videos for daily. Despite her cute looks and speech, the gap between her appearance and her skill in gaming is so surprising, she is popular among both her younger and older audiences. She is not only active on YouTube, but she appears at real events, on radio programmes and TV programmes as well, expanding her activities to all kinds of media.
28 Jun Started activities on YouTube
13 Dec First live broadcast
29 Dec Channel reached over 100,000 subscribers
25 Mar First appearance at a real event (AnimeJapan2018)
8 Apr Local TV debut and regular host (Saiki-do)
26 Apr First radio appearance (Tomokazu Sugita’s AniGera! DIDOOOON!!)
7 Jun Channel reached over 500,000 subscribers
11 Aug First birthday event held
©️Siro Channel
Siro memulai aktivitasnya sebagai Youtuber populer di 28 Juni 2017. Hari ini di bulan Agusts 2018, channel-nya telah memiliki lebih dari 520,000 subscriber, dimana ia meng-upload video baru tiap hari. Meskipun dengan tampak dan cara bicaranya yang lucu, celah antara penampilannya dan kemampuannya dalam bermain game sangat kontras, ia populer di kalangan penonton muda dan tua. Ia tak hanya aktif di Youtube, namun ia juga tampil di event nyata, program radio dan TV, memperluas jangkauannya ke berbagai media.
28 Jun Mmeulai aktifitas di Youtube
13 Des Penampilan live pertama
29 Des Channel mencapai lebih dari 100,000 subscribers
25 Mar Penampilan pertama di event nyata (AnimeJapan2018)
8 Apr Debut di TV Lokal dan host reguler (Saiki-do)
26 Apr Penampilan radio pertama (Tomokazu Sugita’s AniGera! DIDOOOON!!)
7 Jun Channel mencapai lebih dari 500,000 subscribers
11 Aug Event ulang tahun pertama diadakan
©️Siro Channel

Soba is a DJ, an otaku, an active member of the organizer of largest anime event in south east asia “Anime Festival Asia” and also a founder of the very first anisong DJ event in Indonesia “Otagroove”. Soba has been active spreading anisong culture through his DJ play in Indonesia and also overseas such as Japan and Singapore. Besides anisongs, DJ Soba also plays idol songs, vocaloid songs, and many other J-pop related songs during the set.
Merupakan founder dari anisong dj event pertama di Indonesia “Otagroove” dan juga aktif sebagai salah satu anggota penyelenggara event anime terbesar di Indonesia “Anime Festival Asia”. Soba juga aktif di luar Indonesia dengan tampil di event luar negri seperti Jepang dan Singapura. Lagu-lagu yang dimainkan tidak terikat lagu anime saja, tetapi juga mencakup lagu idol, vocaloid, dan juga lagu-lagu j-pop lainnya.

ANiBEATS Local Heroes
As a DJ/Producer, YOCHI debuted his creative work in 2013 when he and his fellowship set up a DJ Management. Then he created his label himself under the name DICTION AUDIO in 2014, bring “bass culture” as his type of music. The name of YOCHI itself came from his interest in Japanese culture, which is abbreviation from ‘Yosuke’ (taken from a fictional anime chara) and ‘Chibi’. Many years performing remixes, YOCHI decided to create his own music and perform in many local event, including Japanese Matsuri. With his unique characteristic of sound by mix “bass culture” and “happy hardcore”, YOCHI bring the freshness to the scene with his latestwork, DYNAMICORE EP! This highly anticipated creation bring his dynamic view: how EDM could be fun and reach not segmented, but widely scale of music listeners in any perpective and genres!
Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/artist/5whTFfkxZn1nbXCbHbd82b
Soundcloud : https://soundcloud.com/yochi-rantrave
DJ/Produser Electronic Dance Music asal Bandung yang memulai karirnya pada tahun 2013, bersama dengan teman-temannya membuat sebuah DJ Management. Lalu dia membuat labelnya sendiri bernama DICTION AUDIO pada tahun 2014 dengan membawa “Bass Culture” sebagai jenis musiknya. Nama YOCHI sendiri berasal dari ketertarikannya pada budaya Jepang, yaitu singkatan dari ‘Yosuke’ (diambil dari nama fiksi anime) dan ‘Chibi’. Beberapa tahun tampil meremix lagu, YOCHI memutuskan untuk membuat musiknya sendiri dan tampil di berbagai event lokal termasuk Festival Jepang. Dengan karakter musiknya yg unik memadukan “bass culture” dan “happy hardcore”, YOCHI membawa hal baru kedalam skema musik dengan original karyanya, DYNAMICORE EP! “Bagaimana EDM bisa menyenangkan dan tidak bersegmentasi, akan tetapi dengan skala yang luas dapat didengarkan dalam berbagai perspektif dan genre.
Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/artist/5whTFfkxZn1nbXCbHbd82b
Soundcloud : https://soundcloud.com/yochi-rantrave

Aza Miyuko
South Korea
※ Autograph session: You will need to purchase the cosplayer’s merchandise to participate
Aza Miyuko is a representative Cosplayer from South Korea.
She has about 380,000 fans on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram etc.
The cosplays which she has done which are most characteristic of herself are LOL’s Ahri Cosplay and Overwatch’s D.Va Cosplay.
She has not only cosplayed game characters, but even numerous characters from animation series.
In pursuit of various cosplays, she is also paying a great deal of attention to the implementation of the original work and her own acting power.
Recently, she has been making attempts to explore into new areas, such as broadcasting and CG image shooting, and it is become quite the topic in YouTube as well.
Aza Miyuko adalah perwakilan cosplayer dari Korea Selatan
Ia memiliki 380,000 fans di Facebook, Twitter dan Instagram, dll
Cosplay-nya yang paling khas termasuk cosplay Ahri dari LOL dan D.Va dari Overwatch
Ia tidak hanya cosplay karakter game, tapi juga beberapa karakter dari berbagai seri animasi
Demi cosplay-nya, ia juga sangat detil tentang implementasi karya aslinya dan kemampuan aktingnya
Belakangan ini ia berusaha untuk masuk ke area lain seperti broadcasting dan syuting CG, dan juga menjadi topik perbincangan di Youtube

Baozi & Hana
※ Autograph session: You will need to purchase the cosplayer’s merchandise to participate
Handsome and charismatic Baozi, is part of the extremely popular duo: Baozi & Hana. They have amassed huge fan followings in China and have begun to expand their fanbase overseas across the globe. He shot to fame with his accurate portrayals of Makoto (from anime Free!).
Baozi loves prop-making and often creates the props accompanying their luxurious costumes.
Adorable and shy Hana, is part of the extremely popular duo: Baozi & Hana. They have amassed huge fan followings in China and have begun to expand their fanbase overseas across the globe. Hana shot to fame with his various cosplay portrayals from popular anime, Kuroko’s basket.
Hana loves experimenting makeup. He is able to create various looks with a swipe of his brushes. He and Baozi has since started their own cosmetics line, Flower Knows.
Baozi yang tampan dan karismatik adalah bagian dari duo Baozi & Hana. Mereka telah berhasil mengumpulkan fanbase yang sangat besar di China dan sekarang mulai menarik perhatian fans di seluruh dunia. Ia mulai menjadi terkenal setelah menjadi karakter Makoto (dari anime Free!)
Baozi menyukai pembuatan prop dan kadang membuat sendiri properti yang dipakai dengan kostumnya
Hana yang lucu dan pemalu adalah bagian dari duo Baozi & Hana. Mereka telah berhasil mengumpulkan fanbase yang sangat besar di China dan sekarang mulai menarik perhatian fans di seluruh dunia. Ia mulai menjadi terkenal setelah menjadi karakter dari Kuroko no Basket
Hana hobi bereksperimen dengan makeup. Ia bisa menciptakan berbagai tampak dengan sekali usapan kuasnya. Ia dan Baozi memulai brand kosmetik mereka sendiri, Flower Knows

Clarissa Punipun
※ Autograph session: You will need to purchase the cosplayer’s merchandise to participate
Clarissa Punipun is a cosplayer, gamer, and an anisong enthusiast from Jakarta. She started cosplay and props making back in 2006 making her one of the well-known cosplayers in the scene. She also enjoys bringing her favorite characters to live and making piano/drum/cello covers of her favorite anime and game songs.
Through her cosplay and music works, she has been invited to many events across Asia such as Japan, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, and across Indonesia.
She became the Official Cosplayer for re:ON Comics in 2015 and became the Indonesian representative for Kurate Gakuen Moe Ambassador in Fukuoka in 2017.
Not only in cosplay scene, she is also well-known as the Brand Ambassador of Asus Republic of Gamers in 2018.
She aspires to bring a fresh air into the community with her talents (and fluffy cheeks!).
Clarissa Punipun adalah cosplayer, gamer dan enthusias Anisong dari Jakarta. Ia memulai bercosplay dan membuat prop sejak 2006, membuatnya menjaid salah satu figur paling dikenal di dunia cosplay. Ia juga suka membawa karakternya ke dunia nyata via cosplaynya dan memainkan lagu anisong favoritnya di cover piano/drum/cello-nya
Melalui cosplay dan musik, ia telah diundang ke berbagai event di Asia seperti Jepang, Thailand, Singapura, Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam dan berbagai tempat di Indonesia
Ia menjadi Official Cosplayer untuk re:ON comics di tahun 2015 dan menjadi perwakilan Indonesia untuk Kurate Gakuen Moe Ambassador di Fukuoka di tahun 2017
Tidak hanya di dunia cosplay, ia juga dikenal sebagai Brand Ambassador di Asus Republic of Gamer di tahun 2018
Ia bercita-cita untuk membawa angin segar untuk komunitas melalui bakat (dan pipi bulatnya!)

Hong Kong
※ Autograph session: You will need to purchase the cosplayer’s merchandise to participate
Hi, I’m Luffy. I will be attending C3AFA in Jakarta!
It is my first time joining C3AFA and I am very honoured to be a guest of this event.
I’m really looking forward to seeing all of you in Jakarta. See you there!
Halo, Aku Luffy. Aku akan hadir di C3AFA Jakarta!
Ini pertama kalinya aku datang ke C3AFA dan aku merasa terhormat untuk menjadi bintang tamu di event ini.
Aku tunggu kehadiran kalian nanti saat aku datang ke Jakarta! Sampai Jumpa!

Ola Aphrodite
※ Autograph session: You will need to purchase the cosplayer’s merchandise to participate
Name: Ola Aphrodite
Age: Legal ~ ☆
Hobby: Dancing, Singing, Drawing, Playing Music, Modelling, Sleep.
Birthday: 02 August (Leo)
Ola Aphrodite is an Idol, Dancer, Singer, and Model.
She started her modelling career in very young age since 5 years old. and used to be a catwalk model for various kids’ brands.
As for her Singing career, she used to be a wedding singer since she was 15 years old.
She used to be a dancer in various events during college.
She has also worked as a Shojo Complex Idol Group member since 2016 and had just graduated to pursue her solo career.
Ola Aphrodite has been Cosplaying since 2013, and has been invited as a Guest Cosplayer and Dancer to various countries since 2016 such as:
– Thailand
– Singapore
– Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam)
– Hanoi (Vietnam)
– Sabah (Malaysia)
– Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
– For future event at Cosplay mania (Philippines)
– And attended Winter Comiket 2017 at Japan
– Of course some cities in Indonesia too (Jakarta, Menado, Palu Makassar, Bandung, Malang , etc)
Nama: Ola Aphrodite
Umur: Legal ~ ☆
Hobi: Menari, menyanyi, menggambar, bermain musik, modeling, tidur
Ulang tahun: 2 Agustus (Leo)
Ola Aphrodite adalah idol, penari, penyanyi dan model.
Ia memulai karir modeling di umur yang sangat muda sejak berumur 5 tahun, dan terbiasa menjadi model catwalk untuk berbagai brand anak-anak
Di karir menyanyinya, ia sering menjadi penyanyi di berbagai acara pernikahan sejak umur 15 tahun
Ia juga sering menjadi penari di berbagai event saat kuliah
Ia juga bekerja sebagai anggota grup idol Shojo Complex sejak tahun 2016 dan baru saja lulus untuk mengejar karir solonya
Ola Aphrodite memulai cosplay sejak 2013, dan telah diundang sebagai Guest Cosplayer dan penaro di berbagai negara sejak 2016, seperti:
– Thailand
– Singapura
– Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam)
– Hanoi (Vietnam)
– Sabah (Malaysia)
– Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
– Event berikutnya di Cosplay Mania (Filipina)
– Menghadiri Winter COmiket 2017 di Jepang
– Juga beberapa kota di Indonesia (Jakarta, Manado, Palu, Makasar, Bandung, Malang, dll)

Thames Malerose
※ Autograph session: You will need to purchase the cosplayer’s merchandise to participate
A multi-talented cosplayer, Thames Malerose is also an artist, model, designer, composer and actor. He is also part of the Thailand rock band, Malerose. Thames Malerose takes great care in creating his costumes and props on his own. A rising star in Asia, Thames Malerose has been invited to various conventions around the world and has worked with various companies as a cosplayer to promote their brand.
Cosplayer multitalenta, Thames Malerose adalah artis, model, desainer, komposer dan aktor. Ia juga bagian dari band rock Malerose. Thames Malerose sangat teliti saat membuat kostum dan propnya. Bintang baru di Asia, Thames Malerose sudah diundang ke berbagai acara di berbagai negara dan bekerja dengan berbagai perusahaan sebagai cosplayer untuk mempromosikan brand mereka