Special Guest: Pink Babies

Profile: Pink Babies is an authentic successor group of Pink Lady, the most famous Japanese idol group in the 70’s. The group consist of members with an average age of 15 years old, all of them were selected through an audition. Last year, Pink Babies debuted in the music video “WANTED-Shimei Tehai-“, this year they released “Nagisa no Sinbad” as the first single song. They have taken part in many events abroad, such as “Japan EXPO 2015”, France, in July and “ENNICHISAI 2015”, Jakarta, in May 2015 where they were able to reach out to and grasp fans in Indonesia.
Day Stage appearance: Pink Babies will perform as part of the the AFA Cool Japan Stage 2015.
When: 26 Sep 2015 (Sat) – 13:30
Tickets required: ● VIP ● GA ● Exhibition + Stage
Official site: http://www.pinkbabies.jp/pc/