Rewrite FEATURED CONTENT Rewrite FEATURED ANIME Introduction: The green city, Kazamatsuri. Kotaro Tennouji lives a normal life in this city of the ideal co-existence between civilisation and nature, together with friends such as Kotori Kanbe and Haruhiko Yoshino. In...
My Hero Academia FEATURED CONTENT My Hero Academia FEATURED ANIME Introduction: “Dreams” become “Reality’! This is the story where I become the best hero! It all began, in Qingqing City, China, with the news of the birth of the “light-emitting baby”. From then on...
Hundred FEATURED CONTENT Hundred FEATURED ANIME Introduction: “Hundred” – the only weapon capable of fighting the Savages, mysterious life forms attacking Earth. Hayato enters the battleship university Little Garden in hopes of becoming a...
animate channel FEATURED CONTENT animate channel SPECIAL SHOWCASE What is Animate Channel?: For a small monthly subscription of 500JPY (excluding tax)※, Animate Channel gives access to a whole database of anime, drama CDs, variety programmes featuring seiyuus, and...
Love Live! Sunshine!! FEATURED CONTENT Love Live! Sunshine!! FEATURED ANIME Introduction: Uranohoshi Girls’ High School, a private school in the seaside neighbourhood of Uchiura in Numazu city, Shizuoka prefecture. A small high school in a corner of Suruga Bay,...